
Type: Posts; User: BigToughMcGruff

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  1. Gettin' mighty lewd in 'ere.

    Gettin' mighty lewd in 'ere.
  2. Replies

    FAD I misspelled my undurwere

    Somebody, halp, anybody, can't find my spelchek, halp.
  3. Aight. Sent him a message too.

    Aight. Sent him a message too.
  4. Actually it started as a spam forum for trash...

    Actually it started as a spam forum for trash posts. Wound up developing a community anyways. Anyhow, should probably bug Ryna about my account.
  5. Wow, I expected FKL to have completely died

    Even with the onset of PSO2.

    It's Sord. Can't figure out old password and apparently my e-mail address isn't recognized so no account recovery.
Results 1 to 5 of 5