I wonder if any of the original JP PSU colony still goes to these things. Or is it like .hack with an entirely new generation of players with vague references to the old ones. (like me)
Type: Posts; User: AxelgearVII
I wonder if any of the original JP PSU colony still goes to these things. Or is it like .hack with an entirely new generation of players with vague references to the old ones. (like me)
I'm 75% sure I will be making a return to Phantasy Star for this.
Hmm...depending on how this turns out, I may actually reappear in the Phantasy Star realm.
You 360 players should take a hint....but you won't.
I tried to make that appeal to people back in 2006 when the servers first started. No one wanted to believe that the servers would shut down some day and that they would be up a creek. And the same...
I've been saying this for years. Kudos to the people who heeded my article on psupedia. As for the rest, history will repeat itself. At least a couple of people will remember and react accordingly...
This would be sad if my characters (which have remained unused for over a year) were on the US servers.
The more free they make this game, the more likely it'll be for me to come back. This change might make the probability go from 3% -> 5%!
They ordered it to his house as cash so the family would have to pay for it. lol
Whats extremely funny about this is that 4chan pranked them and sent them $50 worth of papa johns pizza that same day. lol
Seek not PSO. For if PSO wants you to play it, it will find you.
I was gonna run off a resume but instead I'll just post pictures from my days on Official BB.
My opus magnum....a 0/0/30/85/15 Jizai
Yes I remember you using your HUnewearl whose name now escapes me. Did you ever find your Vivienne? I remember everybody started joining me in hopes of Pazuzu dropping Vivienne #4 but it never...
How unfortunate. How's PSU gonna die at the hands of this new Guardians Cash concept and the level cap isn't even 200 yet? lol
lol @ me posting in here in 2005 about my level 200 on gamecube. I also made level 200 back in 2006 with my FOmar Kilyn on Blue Burst.
Just some random nobody ranting on about old irrelevant stuff Beatrix.
Felt a wave of nostalgia and decided to see if I could dig up an old Blue Burst relic...my epic hunt for Jizai that started almost 4 years ago. 4 months, over 1000 runs, and countless stories I...
::shows face after 6 months::
Im not surprised at that small number seeing as it's been so long...any game would be in decline as far as population goes. I wonder how many are left in US? I'd...
Chalk that up to reason #5312 why people should make the switch: No longer having to import
I won't leave Tierra and Axel incomplete or anything less than level 200. So I'll be back when the time is right. I have a newer, more gamer savvy laptop now. So maybe playing will be less of a...
For the record, people who have never played on the other side should keep their uneducated opinions to themselves in these types of threads, bar a few exceptions.
I think I hate it when people make topic titles that look like news of an official announcement.
::stills lacks a Milla::
So whoever has Prophets of Motav, like the guy who found Vapashutuuuu from a Zamuvapsuuuu, should post a pic.
AFK leveling is immoral.
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