Go Fourier or go home.
Type: Posts; User: Endykins
Go Fourier or go home.
I see myself playing PSO2 much longer than i played PSU, So theres that.
I'll ruin it like i ruined PSU's. Don't worry.
Huh, interesting.
I'm more than happy to not have to play with the JP only tards. This is great news. ^_^
Oh dear.
Huh, so it finally happened.
Slapchop gonna get you.
Stormline is a gunner armour. I'd pay 80-90mil for it. Used for lotsa White fail and The current mission, so has a decent use.
Can't access the official site nor log on. Yay.
Bumpity, changed layout/title.
I told you they burn if you don't take them out quickly ; ;
>> Blessing of Endy ftw eh?
Oh, and 32% Ground blackheartic and 32% Ground Grand Cross. (32% seemed to be the number of the day.)
Hello everyone! Its sell Endy your 28%+ Armas Lines time! As of right now, i need all elements.
Got the items below, and my monies, so offer away!
38% Dark Kan Yu 4/4
46% Lightning Tyrant...
42% light Tyrant Spadac 1/10 for the Rattlesnake?
Many Many many hours of effort smashing a button/key. Or afk leveling the bullet. Either way in enough time you'll have em high!
ATP > PP. That is all.
Love inferno = GRM(meaning it is just the standard 12* weapon) product and does not = Repca/Pwand. Same with the Killer Elite.
There is currently no 12* gun equivilant to the two far as i'm...
2 stacks of meseta for it >.>
I'm a F Cast Fortegunner too!
Meet the new and improved me!
Speaking of those.. the day we got the Grinder A boards... i had 100 phantoms saved up. I ended up walking away with 1 +9 phantom, 2 +8 phantoms and 97 others broke through some miracle. -.-
Degahna cannon:
Me: oh yay its 9/10
tweet tweet tweet...BOOM
Me: Oh. :(
*trys again*
Me: Hey, its 8/9
tweet tweet tweet...BOOM
Me: *cry*
*trys again*
Me: O.o 7/8, why not...
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