As a gunner's Mate in the Navy, I take pride in my fancy for guns in these times... and the RX4 and M&A41 look pretty cool to boot.
Type: Posts; User: Chaos Rappy
As a gunner's Mate in the Navy, I take pride in my fancy for guns in these times... and the RX4 and M&A41 look pretty cool to boot.
Ah man, I know I don't use that weapon a whole lote and all, but I really do like the way it looks, and it's gotten my Rangers into some hilarious situations at times with that Ice+Wipeout...
Sure, if you see me online and I'm available, hit me up. I think I still got you added, but just in case, if your FC current and correct in your porifle here? :>
I'm okay with trading them still. Just hit me up later whenever we see each other online again. ^_^
I know Chaos Element is unbuyable because I spent so long trying to get them, because, you know, CHAOS Element... only to realize the only ones you get were the 10 you get from getting 30 titles...
Well, hacked is the only way youy're going to be able to toy around with Heaven on regular weapons unless you wanna waste your ONCE IN A GAME ITEM on some random weapon you'll never take it off of to...
Got them from some old hacker back in the earlier days, gave me 99 Heaven elements as some kind of buffer to his trade offer, back when I was the Pizza Box God giving out dozens of them for low bids....
Well, I'm available now until 10pm or so, and I'll be checking here / FPZ every 15-20 minutes that I can during my bouts of EOU, so if you're available, feel free to post somewhere and let me know to...
Sorry, couldn't be on earlier. Had business to attend to after dinner. But maybe next time when you are available, I'll try and make sure to be there, if I can. I got duty tomorrow, so I might not be...
That's fine, the Rappies and the Eclam is more than enough for my Ajax, haha... not like my RAcast doesn't use Vanguard more often anyhow. :P
Just give me a good time when we can trade, and I'll...
I'm 99% sure I do, I haven't loaned it to anyone, and no one else has requested it.
Question from me: is that Eclam PF'd? If not, then great. If so, I can do the trade, but I'll likely go and...
Well, duty cut my time from yesterday, but if you'll all still be available next sunday, I SHOULD be able to make it for then...
Sure, I can see about helping you guys with that. Any chance you'll be available for it tomorrow? I'm on duty today, all of today, but I'll be off tomorrow, and be available for online action after...
Hey joni, good to see you again! Great to hear you're still kickin' it in PSZ. ;P
Those items look mighty fine there, as do those lovely Rappy Souls. Anything I got interest you for them? :D
Okey poke, can do! ^_^
Clair Doubles w/ Cyclone Run
Heat Kleingold w/ 50% Machine
Heat Frigiand w/ EB
Heart Blackhawks w/ Acro-Step
Kepler Suit 4S
New additions from my recent ET run!
SouLv4 Gallanhorne, 43% Machine, Rolling Bar
CelebLv1 Kerykeion, 17/39/32/0/0, Rolling Bar (Esmerelda Equip)
Emperor Axeon, 0/25/38/0/0, Heat Lv3, Earth...
Just pm me a good time to meet up tomorrow if you're still available. I'll be seeing a movie with Kristine tomorrow between 6pm-10pm or so, so I can meet up sometime before then (after noon) or for a...
Okay, that's fine by me. :›
If you wanna meet up tomorrow, I'll be available pretty much anytime. I'm getting pretty tired now, so, I won't try to force my body against its will...
That would be awesome... Thanks! ^.^
I can be online tomorrow afternoon, hopefully. We share the same timezone, so it shouldn't be too hard for us to find a good time to meet up. We can even get a...
Sure, I can do that trade for the Shinobi and a couple White Barrels. Three sound good to you for them? I know the Klau isn't Lv3, so I'll probably still keep it in my Wants for a Lv3 version, but I...
Tradelist fully updated, for those who haven't noticed it. I'm gonna fix some things real quick, stuff I trasnferred between file/equips, but otherwise, this set is all I got.
Already almost done with cart 1. Might have to finish that tonight and get cart 2 started tomorrow after work.
Edit: Well, my phone can't really handle the absolutely huge character count of my...
Gonna go through my main and side carts of this game to see what all I have so I can revamp my tradelist in the OP. The Nest Egg will be back in business for good, hopefully, very soon! ^_^
Check the Revival group page, I put the time up there.
For all others, I shall be here waiting for anyone left undeclared between the times of 3pm to 5pm Pacific time (6pm-8pm Eastern time), so if...
I'm not going to be able to do this during the weekdays, sorry... my work schedule is really tight during the week, and since I'm so far ahead of the US in time, I would either have to play with just...
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