Chaos turning down Rappy Souls?!
It really IS the End Times of PSZ... :-o
Type: Posts; User: Nick O'Demus
Chaos turning down Rappy Souls?!
It really IS the End Times of PSZ... :-o
I'd almost forgotten about this, but I'm still interested in a Shinobi Suit and a couple of White Barrels.
I noticed however, that you already got a Klau Solas and Kerykeon from jonigavin, so let...
I've got:
Kerykeion w/ Meseta-Lv4, Rodeo Drive, & 30% Native (unfortified) (I think Shanks also had a couple on his tradelist, you might check if he still has them)
Klau Solas w/ Stun-Lv2, Over...
Well, I can probably spare an hour or two on Saturday and/or Sunday, if that works out better for everybody else.
Boy it's been a while, but it might be fun to pick this up again. I'm in CST and I'm off Wednesday and Thursday this week, so if you can round up anybody else during those times let me know.
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