Fabulous! All that's left is to schedule a trade. I work in the evenings so I'm usually up when most ppl want to go to sleep. I don't know how that works with you.
Type: Posts; User: leviayurashyguy
Fabulous! All that's left is to schedule a trade. I work in the evenings so I'm usually up when most ppl want to go to sleep. I don't know how that works with you.
Its fine, that simply meant my Lavis was not good enough. I'm fated to hold onto it for a while longer.
Howabout that Luzpa... Lulzparry.... The Luzsaber?! =D This thingy:
XLv5 Luzparias+10,...
Lavis Kanon: Soul 3, 0/0/0/34/0 Zeta Cutlass
I like the Luzsaber. Do you still have the Rage Tonfa? I would gladly offer my Lavis for it.
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