I couldnt resist.
Type: Posts; User: GuardianGirth
I couldnt resist.
Gonna be streaming thew new EQ here tonight. Come chat me up. https://www.youtube.com/c/GGVision/live
I never used 3 button mode so I would've never have figured that out. Thanks big time.
Not a huge concern but I was curious if maybe they changed this over time to have some default set to each friend partner or something. This never happened on my older account where I could set them...
Streaming the new ultra hard difficulty on pso2 here today. Come chat me up!
Episode 6 on PSO2 is released today and with it comes a lot of new exciting gameplay with the new class Phantom. I'll be streaming for a good amount today so come stop by!
Finally decide to hit that lv100. only 899 to go.
Not really a find but I did recently start challenging Masquerade and just beat lv50 yesterday. Was pretty proud of the time. Check it out!
Been streaming lately and managed to pull off a nice PD fight last night during it. My best time was the run before where I got 7:46. I'll probably be streaming more as time goes along if any of...
Message can be changed? Because I recently logged at a new home and i'm having to deal with this. The problem is that the email I used to create the pso2 account with, is inaccessible and i fear I...
Do I need to just redownload the entire tweaker? I keep getting this blackscreen after the sega logo no matter what I do. Also, now there's this GN Shield/Field Program that opens up with the tweaker...
Ok cool cause I was seriously sitting here going "I just did 5 fucking aqs and these percents arent making any sense to me lol"
Ok soo.........Ring EXP....is there any point to this?
I understand with grinders and certain rocks, that you can grind up your rings further. That part makes sense to me..
I was under the...
Yeah, I figured as much. Thanks.
Is it just me or is there NOOOOOOOOOO good Left rings for forces? I tried the charge Just guard one but for the life of me I can't figure out if its supposed to just be a random chance or if I'm...
Ok, the email I used to create this account has been locked out for over a year or so because yahoo decided that I need to verify my new location when I moved about 18 months ago.
Since it wasn't...
We only did this method out of desperation at the time. Live and learn I suppose.
Yeah fuck this method ever again.
My friend mailed them back and never got a reply so i'm simply here to be 50% lazy outloud and 50% find out if others are having the same issue.
Seriously though, its been over 2 weeks and my friend and I are still wondering whats up.
Is there a reason why my friend and I are still waiting for webmoney through arkzlayer even after 12 days.
I sure hope that was a troll attempt or damn thats silly. Trying to assume someones' limits isnt very fun. Cherry picking I never said defense was useless, its just become much easier to breach the...
I don't post expecting everyone to agree. Personal experience has led me never needing more than 148-155 PP thanks to all the PP recoveries tailored to FO/TE (Honestly Super treatment is ridiculous,...
Lol, forces will never be the worst or even midtier. Even before tech crafting I was still putting 99% of people to shame. Talis' are the best item in the game and provide not only power but simply...
Fo/TE became the most OP class ever in the game the moment defense stopped being needed.....which has pretty much been since Ult Lillipa.
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