well i highly doubt i'll be posting regularly on the forum, primarily because i gave up being a forum troll. I mainly made a post to say hi, to see if anyone remembers me at all.
Type: Posts; User: SophiaSeed
well i highly doubt i'll be posting regularly on the forum, primarily because i gave up being a forum troll. I mainly made a post to say hi, to see if anyone remembers me at all.
Well, i decided i say hi again, been a year since i've done so and last time.... well, lets just say i didn't agree with the mass majority of individuals who commented on my appearent rule breaking. ...
nah i'll type how ever it is i want to. I had honest questions and you had honest answers, thanks. True, i never had any intention of joining your group, just inquiring though. Thanks for the...
i'm not coming back, i just want TO POLL PEOPLE OPINION ON ME or IF THEY EVEN REMEMBER WHO I AM.
YOu people are so dense!
i linked the original thread only to remind people who i might have been, not to harp on the fact i did something wrong and have people tell me again, i did something wrong. God i thought i made that...
So what is the purpose of your team?
What are your goals?
Any take on the politics of PSO?
Why should people join this team?
If by the name 'rebellion', are you going to take Over...
I played and owned the game for all of a week.
Essentally your playing as a group of people chasing after the Fellowship of the ring to help them out. So essentally it's like playing the...
as much as i love transformers, i hated this ad.
As cool as it was to see a car transform in to a robot, there is no possible way you could ever make that with the technology available right...
Well.... Guess who...
I'm not exactly coming back to PSO, god knows no one wants be back, and even if i did, there wouldn't be anyone waiting there for me.
Yeah well.... I"m Sophia Seed, Mag...
gee i wonder why i ever left...
you people sure do know how to suck the fun out something...
only came here to feel nistalgic about pso, and found my old thread. but if everyone is going to be...
Ah Zelutos. I believe i remember you, but i hate what you've become. I've heard things about this Ring Rebellion clan or guild or team, or what ever it is, and i don't like it. On the OFFICAL Sega...
YOu know that was really dumb. First off all, i did know the implication of bring back a dead thread like this, and figured when the thread at the bottom of the list on the first page hadn't been...
It's my thread i started way back. OH my god you guys are so harsh on the rules....
Well excuse me, if you want to lock this thread by my guest, i just didn't see the need to start a...
read the forum rules?
Was there something i did wrong?
4th Evolution Mag:
Sega introduced a new set of mags for those mag collectors to just die over. Mags now have a 4th evolution. Usually its first evolution is either Kalki, Vrita, or Varuna. It?s...
Rare mags over non-rare or normal mags was meant to be like a status symbol. In PSO, everyone and everything generally looks the same, outside of the weapons, shields/frames, and Mags. Since mags...
God i forgot all about these forums, muchless this thread?
God where has the time gone. Incase anyone is wondering where i disappeared to, I joined RO instead of PSO. I wasn't happy with...
i already do this. This is the only thing i do.
My prices are fixed by using the MagFarmer.exe program. I round the cost of making the mag down and that is the price.
For instance, a...
simply like the post says.
Occasionally my gc will come up with an error saying that the machine can no long read the disk and to concult the manual for the GC.
I ended up buying a whole...
doesnt seem complicated at all, a regular mag job should be a problem. Visit me on thursday american time, i'll get back home from france then. I can raise it for you if you want, not a problem,...
my s-rank is my most precious rare. A rare to call my own and i know there is only one out there like it. it's my "Charmed Rod" Sorta funny because im not really all that charming or evening...
god now i feel stupid. I tried this and i don't know if this will work for others. TRY THIS!
Simply turn off your machine, remove either your network adaptor or your modem adaptor and put it...
Currently i am unable to get online using my GC. I have attempted multiple times over the last 24 hours to connect but haven't since monday(Sunday for americans). I recieve the following error:...
a friend of mine currently owns and plays ep3 online right now. She is planning on getting a used or retail version of ep1 and 2, and is wondering if an ep3 serial will work on an ep1 and 2 game. I...
i have a Garuda ith 166 dex on it. But come quick before someone else get its instead.
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