Hi all,
This is an old post but I suspect a lot of people stumble across it searching for Episode 3 stuff so I wanted to give an update on Episode 3 Plus, as we've seen people playing outdated...
Type: Posts; User: Z-0
Hi all,
This is an old post but I suspect a lot of people stumble across it searching for Episode 3 stuff so I wanted to give an update on Episode 3 Plus, as we've seen people playing outdated...
This is a bit of a shot in the dark, considering how unpopular Episode III was compared to the rest of the series.
I'm looking for as much information and resources on anything that happened...
This is a late reply (and also a repost, PSO-World attachments are weird), so I suspect you may never see this, but please find below the Ragol world map and the Ragol globe taken directly from the...
Unless SEGA releases information early, the next information drop will be 5th October, as they're allowing people to play test it then.
Regarding affixing, they really need to do away with boost weeks. Either just do away with them entirely or just boost all affix rates by 10% permanently.
Yes, they're a lot more common now, but...
I have nothing to add except that since these expert requirements are supposedly bad at gauging a players' skill level since it's not "varied" enough, we should change the expert requirement to...
I don't think Buster Quest makes TMG useful (especially once you get into Advanced), but Talis is very good anyway so you'll definitely want S/T-Atk at the very least. Might as well just do all 3.
As I said in my last post, only when you're fighting something that isn't fighting back. Against aggressive enemies, enemies with various "cooldowns" (i.e. times when you cannot attack anything) or...
Yes, the higher your ping, the longer you roll during the switching PAs.
The reason I didn't mention TMG and Talis in my wall of text is because compared to Sword, they really don't offer much. From an efficiency standpoint, TMG are mostly functionally useless, their only...
So Hero. Quite literally the most broken class either and easily the best class at the majority of things in PSO2. It mostly certainly rates higher than both Fighter and Gunner, and it's probably...
Phaleg is the best piece of the content in the game and they need to do more things like her. Learn her moveset and dodge everything, it's extremely fun to do and very satisfying to pull off.
My main issue with Episode 4 is that it's just changed the game into some sort of MMO-mobage hybrid consisting entirely of chores and not much solid gameplay (though, I guess you could argue it was...
I personally think that being able to relatively easily fail a time-slotted boss is a horrible design decision, and to nerf Deus only makes sense. If they want to implement difficult content, it...
I don't think people mind a grind, the issue is that every grind is literally a chore that's just simply not fun in PSO2. Collection Files are, in fact, the greatest example of this and should never...
With either a 3-hit / 6-hit Maron, you apply chain with normal or an uncharged tech, then build with Saf-0 and Ramegid-0 (usually with help as well), then use Maron Break x2 and Maron Strike to...
I think Maron is mostly fine, the issue is that you can use multiples.
They should honestly just not let you have more than one, but then people would have a pissy fit they've made more than 1,...
Chain Trigger should be TMG only.
It's pretty much what everyone wants. As much as I enjoy FoGu, I actually wouldn't mind CT becoming GU main only because right now, GU main isn't taken because...
The LQs specifically have player scaling, like the 4P one. So enemies are stronger in 12/12 than 1/12, although I dunno by how much.
Considering we need 21 class cubes to even start grinding after 75 and that fact that SEGA has confirmed future quests will have a 80/80 restriction, I personally think this is a mistake.
I don't...
I don't think this is right. Mother stuns for about roughly 10 seconds no matter what, but if you bring her HP down to 90%, 70% or 40%, she will get straight back up as those are the phase changes...
If Mother is taking you 27 minutes, you're doing something wrong, not the rest of the people.
I did a duo with a friend last Mother, and even though we kept dying 'coz we're noobs and we lost so...
People got banned for the Chain thing, except it wasn't because they were using Chain, it was because they did Magatsu "too fast" that SEGA didn't think they could be doing it without Chain...
A friend of mine ditched 6 times in BA and is not banned, so disconnecting 3 times most certainly will not get your account banned.
Did you just say P-Weak Bullet is a crutch?
It's hardly anything but, it lets you do many more strategies that are impossible without it, because it lets you WB targets while being able to...
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