One day, I'm a hopeful teenager playing a dude with a brush-cut and an axe-crazy android.
The next day, I'm balding, my beard has become salt-and-pepper, and I still entertain contacts with...
Type: Posts; User: KodiaX987
One day, I'm a hopeful teenager playing a dude with a brush-cut and an axe-crazy android.
The next day, I'm balding, my beard has become salt-and-pepper, and I still entertain contacts with...
Hol' up, there's a PSOW discord?
Against all expectations to the contrary, I still exist.
Protip of the day: if your mouse suffers from an issue where it inadvertently clicks twice when you meant to click once, shake it...
If my memory's correct...
On a fresh playthrough of the game, the pillars will be inert and you won't be able to interact with them.
Once you've defeated the Mines boss (two areas beyond...
Fear itself fears me.
Much to my chagrin, Navinator - a long-time PSOW member - passed away earlier this year after a battle with cancer.
For remembrance's sake, here's a handful of pictures they have drawn for me...
Hey y'all remember when we all hosted our sigs on Photobucket?
It's me. I'm still alive. OK, see all y'all's in ten years.
Let's make a PSOW discord server.
It'll be just like the chatroom from the good ol' days! We'll insta-kick anonymous hostnames from AOL and get started on populating The Fuckeries Version 2.0
I think my account is now old enough to drink beer in most parts of the world.
If I can't recreate a faithful Shuri in PSO2, I am insta-uninstalling this game.
Do I still have a sig anyway?
EDIT: Nope, guess I don't!
Buddy, gimme the 411 and I'm there.
PSO2? More like POS2.
We should play Monopoly on Pogo again sometime.
But on the condition that Nitro or Spike yells "ROLLIN'!" whenever it's his turn.
Behind each and every person, an asshole is hiding.
The posts in FKL aren't very French either. You don't see me complaining.
If I could delete literally everything I made before 2012, it wouldn't be a moment too soon. I was a pissant little bitch as a teenager.
EDIT: My sig still fuckin' works?! Right, I'm just gonna...
Vocal chops. Get them vocal chops.
Also dafaq. Hey Ting, since when are you a mod? And how much do I need to pay you per thread I want shut down?
Bullshit, rants has been dead since January 16 2012.
Wink wink nudge nudge.
This song will kick your ass so hard your nose will bleed.
Bonus: it's FREE!
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