I'll hop online now then :) Os there anything else on my list you may want ?
Type: Posts; User: ZeroxGT
I'll hop online now then :) Os there anything else on my list you may want ?
Ill be here late night so i can trade then and maybe a run or two^^
Thats fine :) As im sure ill find another ^^
Im kinda offering the eclipse star to someone (though i may retract that due to thinking im offering too much...) but is there anythung else?
And yeah, im after the one in your list :)
I have a fang too... just lazy about RNG'ng :) Check my list for something too..
O.o What do you want for that haden bite!?!? It caught me by surprise.... Also check my list for any items you may be missing :)
hello:) im interested in your red saber and other stag cultery ^^. please check my list for something you would like :)
Maybe I should give him everything on my list for the CDs... Hehe I doubt He would do it..... but still...
Classica, If you do get online tonight, Ill give you both of my Big mobius spears... 1...
hello :) just letting you know im back from work. Just look for me in the group or online and it doesnt matter which big mobius you want so pick the one you like :)
Sure, but its gonna be after I get home from work :)
Ask for it :) I dont mind
Im willing to part with those rares as i dont follow a tier list nor am worried too much about its worth as Im sure ill get it again someday :)
Hello :), im interested in your stag cultery+70 and maybe other stuff but im after that first.... Please take a look at my list if you can, also check for anything else you may want in additional...
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