Would late night Friday work for you Classica? I remember doing a trade with you on a late Friday night before.
Type: Posts; User: Atbar
Would late night Friday work for you Classica? I remember doing a trade with you on a late Friday night before.
Would Saturday work for completing our transaction too, Classica?
Yep, definitely started something. The thing is I've owned PSZ for nearly two years now and finding all the rares take a long time to do. I'm down to the last five percent (I don't care to catalog JP...
Looks like I started another trend with trading.
Don't worry about it, Classica. We'll get our business done eventually. I'm not in any big hurry.
Okay, cool, Classica. :)
Hello, Classica, I see you expressed interest my newly acquired Canon Rogue. Here's my offer: let me trade-tradeback (or catalog) your Milias Breaker and I'll let you have the Canon Rogue to do with...
^It also makes a good weed whacker. :-P Joking about the Psycho Wand's special attack animation aside, it's a super seven star rare like the In swords and Rage Tonfa that you desire, Classica, so...
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