Not sure if I'm going to get chastised for bringing back my old thread, but I really didn't want to retype a bunch of stuff. Hello again everybody! Be sure to read the top of my post, as I have...
Type: Posts; User: RLbitClassica
Not sure if I'm going to get chastised for bringing back my old thread, but I really didn't want to retype a bunch of stuff. Hello again everybody! Be sure to read the top of my post, as I have...
The Milias Breaker and the Gale Bringer are two of my favorite weapons, so I don't plan on trading them unless it's for something I REALLY want. The garahadan fang I believe would be a good trade for...
Good to know.
In all actuality I really hope to find one on my own. The only thing I have that is even remotely trade-worthy for yonohate In is my milias breaker, which i'd rather hold onto. Besides, the best...
Hey all. I'm back, for now at least. I decided I could never fully give PSZ until I got my dream weapon, Yonohate In. Sorry to have left so many of you hanging when I left last time :/
Sorry about the downtime everyone, other things in life have been particularly distracting as of late. I plan on completing all promised trades with everyone at the soonest conveniant time possible;...
Yeah sounds good. I'm playing skyrim right now, but I'll check my list periodically.
Ok, sure
You can try for the breaker, but I'm probably not going to give it up at the moment. Anything else you want on my list though?
Yeah, its only real usefulness is it's trading value among those who need it for cataloging purposes. These rage tonfa have already been reserved for a trade, however.
sorry to double post, but this is just so I can kind of remember all of the trades I have pending.
-Doctor Shanks: Wants to catalog my Eghesachs. In return I get an Ice protect. I am also...
Yeah, technically it would still be saturday, as I do not even get off work until midnight, but I am available for trades at really late hours.
Yes that sounds like the best option to me. But if I can squeeze any trades in prior to saturday, I will do that as well
@norco: sure man, awesome!
Ok, cool man. Unfortunately my job has me working weekdays(with the exception of mondays, which I have off) from 3:30pm til midnight, so weekdays aren't good if you go to school. But I do have...
Yeah, I guess it just took some time before people finally came to realize that we don't want every weapon in the game. We just wanna catalog that shit. 8)
As zacky stated, the Eghasach is already reserved for a trade, but If It's just for cataloging purposes and Zacky has no problem with it, then you have yourself a deal sir. Also, Shanks, now that I...
Me either, but I have like 3 pending trades right now. The only reason I have time to consistanly keep up with PSO-world is because I work at a call center and just type responses in between calls :)
Just bumping my thread. To all those I am currently in a trade agreement with, sorry about not being able to set up a good time. Lots of real life nonsense going on right now has been hindering my...
Not sure at the moment, but of course I'll let you know if something catches my eye. I'm hopping on right now btw.
Oh sorry zacky, I'm just reading your post now. You still available to trade?
Edit: @ZeroxGT I' available to trade if you are. @AtBHR Yes I accept your offer.
Sorry bout' the late response, I didn't have time to really do anything yesterday. I;m at work now, so the trade probably can't happen until around 12:30 am. sorry
Yeah, they aren't super rare to find.
How bout your garahadan fang?
I see. Those are 2 good weopons, especially ajax, but I'd rather keep my breaker. You should talk to some of the other PSZ players on this site, as many of them would probably be intereted in trading...
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