View Poll Results: Okay, let me get your honest opinions, folks - so none of the "LOL TOO LO U SUX" crap, ple

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  • Too High

    15 75.00%
  • Too Low

    2 10.00%
  • Fair Amount

    3 15.00%
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  1. #1
    Resident resident Shinzakura's Avatar
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    Okay, let me get your honest opinions, folks - so none of the "LOL TOO LO U SUX" crap, please.

    I've opened my store and I'm appalled by the amount that elemental photons are selling for. I realize you can't get them in stores, but let's be realistic about it, they're not all that hard to get.

    I was thinking about selling them in the range of 10000, as the lowest I've seen to date in stores is 15K, and that seems to be the rate at which they seem to sell well. I say "seem" simply because I have no proof that they do; hence, my question.

    I have no intention of ripping people off; I sell most of my items at 50% of the NPC retail and want to keep things as fair as possible.

    So? Too high? Too low? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this, all.

  2. #2


    way too high... offline story mode sells them for 500 meseta or something. These photons are such high prices because of all the duped meseta, so people have way too many 9* boards and use them far too often.


  3. #3


    If you are trying to go for a "legit" feel, then most of the photons sell for about 30-50 meseta on Xbox, however, some try to sell for over a hundred but I don't think anyone buys them at that price.

    If the NPCs were to sell them they should go for roughly 500 meseta per I think. But you need to keep in mind how much other people items are, if you are selling photons for 50 meseta and an A-rank weapon costs 300-800k you may be waiting a while to get one.

    Another problem is that other people may just buy out your shop, and resell all your photons for 15k+ to get more money for themselves. In the end it's up to you to decide what is a "fair" price.

    Last I heard people were selling photons for 60k and they were selling pretty fast.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    If you sell low, they will just buy them from you and sell them in their shop for more. It is a horrible way to look at it but, that how things stand for now (cough, duped Meseta, cough). If you sell them for what you think they are honestly worth to you(i.e., what you would pay or what is you farming time worth), you''ll not lose any sleep over it.

  5. #5
    Everyone has their own weakness...
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    I refuse to pay retarded prices (anything above 10k... which still pisses me off and I don't do that very often). If I need an item synthed, it can wait for me to farm the photons myself.

    I bought 25 Megi-photons this morning for 20k each, but I was in a rush (didn't have time to shop around) because I was using a friend's PM and she was about to go to bed. So that is the exception.

    Moral of the story, stop being lazy and buying inanely over priced photons because you "have to synth now!" Because you know you can't give an additional 45 minutes to farm the photons in LL C, otherwise that wait of 12 hours for a 9* synth is just too long.

  6. #6


    My honest opinion is to price your photons base on the market value.

  7. #7


    I well at whatever the market is going at. Ultimatly, it wont matter. It will cost more to make said striking weapons, therefore, thier sell price will be adjusted. This isn't a prblem though, because if you sell the photons you have at X meseta, you have that much more, negating the increase in the sell price of the weapons. I'll admit, hunters that are dead set on having high % elemental weapons do get the shaft, as if I want some ranged weapons, I can sell all my ele-photons, and be able to buy the stuff I want from a shop and still have money left over.

  8. #8


    On 2007-01-20 13:37, nooblet wrote:
    My honest opinion is to price your photons base on the market value.
    There really isn't any such thing as "market value": just a glance through random shops reveals pricing with neither rhyme nor reason to it. (Basic Twin Handguns for 2K Meseta? WTF?)

    Pricing decisions seem to be done by way of dart board/Ouija Board. Though what Weakness posted makes a lot of sense...players are probably paying silly prices due to laziness. I understand how they feel: I don't usually have of a lot of time to farm, myself. But it really isn't worth the extra Meseta as a convenience tax, and waiting to synth something isn't that much of a drain on my patience.

    Personally, I find up to 75% of the NPC price + 100/elemental Photons and/or upgrades to be reasonable. Anything above that makes it seem like a shop owner's been hitting the glue bottle fumes once too often.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Palefire on 2007-01-20 14:04 ]</font>

  9. #9
    likes unlikely crossovers Magitek_X's Avatar
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    Shop around guys. Look for people who are doing clearances.

    I just bought elemental photons for 500 meseta today. And two weeks ago I bought Kubara Wood for 200 meseta. Search for specials!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Magitek_X on 2007-01-20 14:35 ]</font>

  10. #10
    *Swings large blades*
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    England, Uni=Salford, Home=Kent


    They should be sold at around 100 a piece...

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