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  1. #21


    "Let's kill them!"

    When that came out of my 450 I went: O____O;;
    and then decided I had better start sleeping with my eyes open incase I offend my PM one day.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Yukichi on 2007-02-09 09:27 ]</font>

  2. #22


    I think my PM's name is Floyd. He makes a mean hotdog and sells my photons, but thats about it.

  3. #23
    Divine Hunter Axel3792's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Illinois / near St. Louis MO


    We could just call our PMs by their model numbers, and drop the others:
    "My PM"
    "My lolibot"

    "My 450"

    Sounds good to me.

  4. #24
    Warrior of Light SuperRygar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    im up for calling it a MAG hell, i call this game PSO all the time when i talk about it to my friend who used to play PSO with me

    and yeah, the PM's already have their own unique names. lets use those...but maybe that concept goes over most kids heads :/ "my lil' buddy wowibot is so cute, yes he isss"....barf

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SuperRygar on 2007-02-09 09:46 ]</font>
    ----PS2 Player----
    Rygar - Level 170 - Beast - AF / FF / PT
    Zelda - Level 103 - Newman - FT / AT

  5. #25


    PMs are the best i swear but i still want my lil shinobi bot
    -=Role Players Union=-If your into rp light heavy or otherwise please join up

  6. #26
    Gunner Extrordinare of The Crimson Brotherhood
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Chicago, IL


    I'm still working on a 440, and I can not wait to see what she say's during combat. The anticipation is killin' me. Can someone shed some light on what the 440's personality is like in battle?

  7. #27


    The 440 doesn't seem to be an extreme personality, in terms of being super nice or super aggressive; however, it's the only one that talks with a more street-style lingo. She doesn't go overboard with it, but she does speak with a little urban jive to it, at times.

    I would say, she's the closest to the Sugar Bear of the bunch.
    PSO2 Character information:

    Eric Windhaven (Fomar) Ship 02.

  8. #28


    I like some of the 440's sayings. Sometimes when a monster is killed it says "Playin' Dirty". Sometimes when it is burnt it says "Hot Tamale coming through". Not sure if getting to a certain lvl of b stat makes them say different things.

  9. #29
    (⌐■_■) ShinMaruku's Avatar
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    As long as they don't say "And suddenly I cannot hold back my swordhand's anger" I'm fune.

  10. #30
    Gunner Extrordinare of The Crimson Brotherhood
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Chicago, IL


    Nice With that type of lingo, I'm sure I'll enjoy the 440's overall personality. Thanks for your input Akaimizu and Golto.

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