I wanted to see if there were any other psycho wands made out there or is mine the first?
I wanted to see if there were any other psycho wands made out there or is mine the first?
your the only one if heard of making one o.0 congrats!
So long Xbox servers! Hello JP PSU, Infinity, and PSO2!
JP PSU: Samus Aran lvl 180/20 GM
wow you made one gratz
were you running crimson beast earlier? if not there is another one.
yes, i was running crimson earlier
well guess you are; gratz =]
if only it wasnt sooo 0ogly....id be all ovaa it....
ID: Haseyo FO
Character: Roll Caskett | Ship: 02
Character: Hsien-Ko | Ship: 02
i think it looks awesome
So long Xbox servers! Hello JP PSU, Infinity, and PSO2!
JP PSU: Samus Aran lvl 180/20 GM
d00d above saw it in a pawtyyyyy so it must be true!
they make everything true....
ID: Haseyo FO
Character: Roll Caskett | Ship: 02
Character: Hsien-Ko | Ship: 02
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