Anyone seen this yet?
"Xbox 360 Title Update 2.0001 Changes
A new title update will be available for the Xbox 360 after the February 1st maintenance that will resolve some minor issues as well as some issues we have been working on for a while including the Photon Gacha text issue, and the machinegun glitch.
If you have not done so already, we ask that all users for both the original PSU and the PSU: Ambition of the Illuminus expansion restart their Xbox 360 consoles after the maintenance and log out of their gamertag accounts after receiving the Title Update in order for it to function correctly.
Once you have logged out of your gamertag and logged back in, you should confirm that the PSU version has been updated to v2.0001 displaying in the bottom left-hand corner of the title screen."
Edited to include the text from the official website.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: funnymatt on 2008-01-28 16:48 ]</font>
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