Well I'm sure that it happens all over PC/PS2 as well as the 360, but instead of just filing a complaint over the 360 dashboard, what else is there to do that justice is truly served?
Well I'm sure that it happens all over PC/PS2 as well as the 360, but instead of just filing a complaint over the 360 dashboard, what else is there to do that justice is truly served?
Nothing really, just file a complaint and try to Blacklist them the next time you see them, that way even if they get on another character and try to do it to you again they won't be able to invite you or join any of your parties. If enough people file complaints against them they could end up being banned.
You can't do a thing about it. just BL them and avoid them. or make partys yourself and do them.
I was just a recurring thing for me the one day...2 parties in a row either A) The members were booted on the Luttus Jigga spawn...Not to mention kicking us after helping him kill the creatures before they spawned...Or, B) Being booted on the final boss boxes..Im sure it has happened to plenty of people across the universe but we rarely see the person to BL them =/
Whenever I party up with a leader with a suspicious name (the sheer childishness of most give them away) I make sure to catch their GT as we play, just in case they boot me. If they do, I just give a bad player review, find the player again, and BL.
Yep. I agree and give them a bad review and Blist them. It might take some play time to do this, but knowing you will not have to waste another second of game time on them again really helps.
Never leave a FAQ without it.
Well, with the new update the the original PSU missions, I'll take that into account...I've pretty much found the best weapons a fF can use, along with some other goods from the winter event. Find another Tuma or Hoshi-kikami
i have a 50% kan yu to 9/9, i just dont have it in my shop because i dont plan on selling it. :]
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