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  1. #1
    Hunters Guild Hunter AlexCraig's Avatar
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    Pioneer 2 / Ship 2: Ur

    Default Quest: Your day in Phantasy Star Online.

    Well, seems things are looking a bit bleak here in PSO General at the moment, so I figured I would lighten the mood with a thread about you, the players. What did you do in PSO today? What activities? What missions? What runs? Etc?

    Remember to stay within forum rules, don't be a jerk, and have fun.

    Today, when I played PSOGC, I decided to do a random Ultimate Caves run. Not for anything special. Just for the heck of it. I didn't find anything rare, although it was foremost in my mind. I only went about halfway before I quit.

    Then on Blue Burst, I lost all the remaining tickets I had on Roulette. I only had about 15, so it was no big loss. Seems like my luck is not at its peak lately

    Hunters Guild Group
    Alex - BrHu | Satsuki - RaGu | Keiko - SuTe

  2. #2
    Professional Screw-up. 3---Hit---U's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    What are they, stalkers?


    I converted to offline psuism ):

    But I'm getting fed up with that very quickly and will be back to pso by level 65 (:

    He is liking the Coca~Cola

  3. #3


    Did some V.hard MSB runs to help a friend level on the other server, and we found a Mil Lily who dropped Flowen's Shield. Cross Scar also dropped that run.

    Nothing too fancy. :<

  4. #4
    versatility is my middle name
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    not where you are


    tried doing A New Hope deathless today. got to CCA, and double-punched stupid kill >> i'll get that RR eventually...

    on another good note; did a PW4 today with Adam (trypticon), just him and my ramar. we died a bit, but we made it fairly easily. next time: SOLO XD

    last thing i did (b4 tonight) was an offline 1/4 RT run with my fomar for a hit twin brand. no TB at all

  5. #5
    That's Mister to you. Freeze's Avatar
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    The Great White North


    Did offline multimode with four friends today in the caves on ultimate. Found an alright Final Impact but nothing real special. We had good time though and thats the important part.

    ]The Ragol Trilogy: Ragol's Gift, Ragol's Curse, Ragol's Legacy GT Xbox One: Eries Fury

  6. #6


    my light switch controls the power in my room and i am the most ignorant person you have ever seen. took a break b4 facing cave boss for first time (on ultimate) and well, i think you can guess what happened. =( later i played forest a couple times lookin 4 orotiagito.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: zoloroel on 2008-04-24 14:55 ]</font>

  7. #7
    Phantasy Dad Online II Dragwind's Avatar
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    New England


    Raising another Ila, lulz.
    PSO, PSU, PS:Po, PSZ | PSO2: Jergraw (All classes 90) Lunaeris Demoria (Fo/Te 90) Onlak (Hr 90)
    -**Tech crafting max- message me for crafts**-

    Forum Rules - Read it!

  8. #8


    On 2008-04-19 12:38, zoloroel wrote:
    my light switch controls the power in my room and i am the most ignorant person you have ever seen. tokk a break b4 facing cave boss for first time (on ultimate) and well, i think you can guess what happened. =( later i played forest a couple time lookin 4 oroti. thinkin about pso makes me sooooooooooo sad. i dont know what 2 do. to show you how great the rest of my life is, i can almost totaly honestly say that pso goin offline is the worst thing that ever happened 2 me. *sigh* i guess things could b alot worse though i am fearful that i will convince myself to stop playing 4 good because it is sooo painful to know what i missed out on.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: zoloroel on 2008-04-19 12:40 ]</font>
    Errrr what? Can you repost this in a way that someone can understand? I sort of understood the first part with how you turned off power in your room and basically fsoded yourself, but I didn't understand the rest..
    Quote Originally Posted by loukaras View Post
    PSO-World is a game?

  9. #9


    Played Maximum Attack in EP4 and kicked Shambertins ass in Points of Disaster as the Tails NPC named Tails.

  10. #10
    Hunters Guild Hunter AlexCraig's Avatar
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    Pioneer 2 / Ship 2: Ur


    I've been helping my friend Kylie get onto BB. Difficult, and it took us half of forever, but she did get on. Not for long though. Her computer isn't that great and keeps crashing. But it has been the highlight of my day to help a friend in need.

    Hunters Guild Group
    Alex - BrHu | Satsuki - RaGu | Keiko - SuTe

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