On 2008-04-19 12:38, zoloroel wrote:
my light switch controls the power in my room and i am the most ignorant person you have ever seen. tokk a break b4 facing cave boss for first time (on ultimate) and well, i think you can guess what happened. =( later i played forest a couple time lookin 4 oroti. thinkin about pso makes me sooooooooooo sad. i dont know what 2 do. to show you how great the rest of my life is, i can almost totaly honestly say that pso goin offline is the worst thing that ever happened 2 me. *sigh* i guess things could b alot worse though

i am fearful that i will convince myself to stop playing 4 good because it is sooo painful to know what i missed out on.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: zoloroel on 2008-04-19 12:40 ]</font>
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