Couple changes. Removed Hill of Spores from the listings, and removed the Majarra restriction.
Couple changes. Removed Hill of Spores from the listings, and removed the Majarra restriction.
Aeryn - 150 Newman ♀ | Kylie - 150 Human ♀ | Zael - 150 Beast ♂ | Sonja - 150 CAST ♀
Never forget.
2 more questions:
1. If someone dies and is removed, is it only for that mission or the rest of the runs
2. What is the time, I am trying to figure it out and there are lots of different times posted lol
1. The member is removed permanently.
2. When: Wednesday June 11, 3pm pacific time (6pm eastern time, 11pm UK time) Staff members must meet with me at 2:00 pm pacific time
hello i've gather'd together a team and plan on participating in your event.
my character is a human and I plan on using either forte fighter or protranser
my weps are
agito repca 34% light 9/9
agito repca 36% light 5/5
bil de axe 26% light 0/10
ank bico 37% light 0/10
I also plan on using shot guns too not shure wich 1's yet.
i am a male beast lvl 113. im in solidsnake951 group. i am a fortegunner lvl 20.
my weps are,
rattlesnake 5/10
phantom rifle 10/10
twin ruby bullet 0/10
gur asted 3/10
I just got off the phone with Zael, and he just has push this event back due to a dentist appointment he didn't know until now.
He is sorry because he feels like a SEGA GM :<
Zephyr / Koryu / Snowflake / Ayamin
Helping you enjoy life one name at a time!
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