Alright, so for the last three days (after being away since July), I now have a 93 Newman / 4 MasterForce.

I've checked around, only to notice that White Beast still seems to be the best place to level (Good lord). After joining over about 200 parties in the last three days, only to be kicked a few runs later, I was starting to get upset at randoms again =P

Well, I now at least know the reason behind this. I didn't know that there was a new rare run, Phantom Fissure. Yay?

Well, I'm fed up with being kicked out every time that mission pops up for the party leader. So, I'm here to see if I could find a few decent players that would be willing to help myself and a friend level up.

My friend is currently a 69 Cast / 5 GunTecher (Planning on making a GunMaster after the class is 10).

We're looking for a general team to help us level so we can do other things, and hope to make some new friends along the way.

If anyone would like to team up with us, feel free to send a Friend Request/Message/etc to:

I RL I Shadow or I RL I Bonez

In-game names are:

Angel Shadow / KillerShot

Hope to meet some of you soon =)