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  1. #1

    Default New to the Community

    Im in the process of buying PSU for my PC. I have spent countless hours of playing PSO for my Game cube and my regular xbox. I have been out of the loop for about 3 years now and im getting fckin sick of playing World of warcraft. I was wondering if PSU is more grouped based now and are there specific classes that are needed to make up those groups. How have raising mags evolved since PSO, and i would love to play a melee or a caster class. From what i have read a dedicated caster is needed for every group. Are they healers, buffers, or just still massive damage dealers like they were in PSO. In PSO u were a more self reliant character, in PSU it seems like that has changed. Is it worth getting now that the game has been out for a while and im assuming the PSU community has died down a bit. I have been getting mixed ideas that there is still a few dedicated PSU players still online are there enough that if i was to start up a brand new character that there would be ppl there to do stuff with or would i be shafted because im not part of the dedicated few?

    If any one is willing to help me out getin started i will do my research to raise a specific mag and to play my class correctly. Im not a noob at RPGs its just getting started that i really struggle with.

    THANKS (^_^)

  2. #2


    PSU is kinda group based, though it can still be played solo rather easily. Most groups can do just fine without any form of Techer, but a Techer who heals and buffs is always a welcome addition. Also, no more MAGs in the same line as PSO, there are three MAG like things (Partner Machinery[basically this is your storage/synthesizer/meat shield],R-MAGs[left hand equipped turrets], and TECH-MAGs[left-handed wands])but they don't enhance your stats in any way. Since I'm not on the PC version I couldn't tell you how the population is in regard to making a new character.
    Last edited by Anduril; Feb 26, 2009 at 12:28 PM. Reason: I shamed myself with such words as "charcater" ;_;

  3. #3


    Force type characters can be strong but the most powerful Force, Masterforce has the worst support spells in the game... So, if you want a support Force, you can make an Acrotecher (LV50 support) or a Fortetecher (LV40 support.) Mags in PSU are different from PSO in PSU only certain classes can use Mags. You don't feed them or grow them you just use them for support through spell casting and status effects. I'm going to get flamed for this but I don't care; if I were you, I would not start PSU, the game lacks depth, challenge, playerbase and it does not receive much support from Sega. However, the PC/PS2 community here on PSOW seems to hold player-based events and such. If you do decide to get PSU, good luck and have fun.

  4. #4


    Go here for probably the best info on PSU

    I'll tell you that you no longer 'raise' a mag. Now you synth your weapons/mags with materials and boards.

    The photon arts that you used to get from your mag have now been replaced by SUV for CAST's and Nanoblast for Beast's.

    Overall though I think PSU is way better than PSO was, there's just so many improvements overall. I'm sure people here will give you more info.

  5. #5


    If you are looking for something that is similar to other MMOs, then PSU isn't right for you -_-

    "Casters" are mostly overlooked because out of Melee, Gunner, and Caster they have the lowest DPS... period. Not only that most people don't play them anymore because once your spells hit a certain level other party members quit seeing the new animations (although you still do.) Apparently the techer population only cared about lagging the PS2 community :P

    The game doesn't need specifically built teams like WoW or FFXI do well... ever really. Certain group forms are more FAVORABLE, but there isn't much that 1 well built Fighmaster can't solo in the same time as a full party.

    If you build a caster and take to the support aspect of this game, you will almost NEVER have a problem finding a group to run with in populated areas seeing as once Masterforce came out support techers disappeared. If you decide to play aside from the flaws above- which are negligible once you get started- I've got a VERY large group of frequent and dedicated players that I could introduce you to and you'd be set for parties most of the time depending on when you play.

    Anything else you need info on don't be hesitant to PM me or even swing by our guild site and BS with a few of our members. (link below the pic in my sig)

    Anyhow I hope I was/can be helpful to ya ^_^

  6. #6


    I am an old gamer from PSO on GC also. You may have seen me around "back in the day"... PSO char names Tianna, Miss Elanius, Buffy. Glad to see you're interested in PSU. I have played PSO Ep. I&II..even the card based one I managed to struggle through for almost a year. IMO PSU is as addicting as PSO ever was. The character customizaton is the best I have seen. I have great friends I have met on here in just over the 2 years I have been playing. The missions vary a good bit although alot of people do spam common missions like TTF was in PSO. The MAG vs. PM was a nice change to me anyway. Making and grinding weapons on here can be frustrating to fail or very appealing to make an awesome wep. The events they send us (although way behind Jp on all the updates) are fun and slightly different from the norm but can get boring if they last too long( ie: MAG/MAG2). All in all, I think if you liked PSO you will like PSU and I would like to welcome you to PSU and wouldn't mind being your first partner card and would show you around a bit

    My in-game char name is Tianna as well. You can find it by doing a search by name. Hope to see you soon!! (new site) be first to help get it up and running

    Tianna: Lvl 160 F Cast..GM 20, FM 15, PT 15, FG 20, FF 15, Fg 10
    Sierra Fawn: Lvl 50 F Human..FF 11
    Witch Weigh: Lvl 75 F Newman..FT 14
    April A. Wine: Lvl 42 F Beast..FF 11

    Simple and to the point trade list here

  7. #7
    Random "Nice" Swordsman Calsetes's Avatar
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    I'm always willing to help out newer players with a few runs, giving them info on how to play, etc. etc. Maybe even help them get set up with some decent low-level equipment, assuming I have the money to spare.

    Anyway, if you ever see any of these guys running around the server (most likely the event area while this is going on) feel free to ask me for any help. These are my characters:

    Calsetes - Human Male - Level 150

    Nuku Nuku - Female Cast - Level 92

    Eimi - Female Beast - Level 57

    Narau - Female Newman - Level 60

    Even though my guys are somewhat higher in level, there's plenty of stuff for me to level while helping you out, like the Force classes, leveling my buffs and debuffs, etc.
    Stupid, stupid rat creatures!

  8. #8


    If you're looking for something to fill the old PSO void, you're probably not going to be satisfied with PSO. If you buy it, it's probably best to just look at PSU as a totally different game and judge it based on it's own merits. A lot of people were extremely disenfranchised with PSU when the game first came out, because it doesn't so much encapsulate what made PSO great - but rather poorly mimics it.

    The game is mediocre on it's own merits, I think, and this is after a lot of improvement through AOTI and the various system updates. Unfortunately, it's the only game of it's type around - and the only Phantasy Star left officially supported until PSZero hits stateside this fall (which is a DS game). It fills the niche well enough, although the missed potential is glaringly obvious at many points. If you're a fan of PSO, I just wouldn't expect it to fill those old shoes. Take it for what it is.

    Personally, I'd say try the demo before deciding on a purchase. You can download it on the Xbox 360 (if you know someone that has one), which will give you a somewhat decent teaser taste of the game - so long as you ignore the throngs of hooting dickholes who infest it's servers. I think the Japanese AOTI client is free to download as well if you want to give the real deal a shot - albeit in another langauge.

    Or you could try the third option, which I'm not at liberty to discuss here, but which may likely be your best bet since I doubt you can find the game in stores very easily these days.

    Also, PSO: Blue Burst is still up and running... in a fashion. All I can say on that matter is... Google.

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  9. #9


    Wow, i am VERY impressed by the support and quick reply's i got with in 2 hours( THANK you everyone who replied). Any doubts i had in this game are gone. I love being apart of a well supported player based community and it seems that this game still has it. I JUST placed my order for PSU. You all seem to be very nice and welcoming people and even the forums arnt riddled of ppl making fun of other players. Hopefully in 1-3 business days i shall join you!. i will post back what my characters name is...hopefully Metalon or Elari
    depending on if i want to make a Female or Male character first.

    Quote Originally Posted by BIGGIEstyle View Post
    If you are looking for something that is similar to other MMOs, then PSU isn't right for you -_-
    Im sick of wow because of the big (MMO) community where Guild leaders can pick and chose and kick and pick up new people pretty much when every they want to. When playing PSO on my xbox i got use to a smaller group of people. (I was not kicked out of my guild im actually still in it im just sick of all the arguing and an RL friend, that i made buy PSO with me, is going though aloth of drama...I.E. RL GF broke up with him for an online BF. But i could talk about that forever. IM still in good standing with all my WoW friends and their sad to see me leave.)

    Thanks for the help about casters...looks like my caster (sorry for the non PSU term, still VERY use to wow and probably will be for a while) will be my second character. So im gonna go with my natural RPG instincts and chose a melee character. I am excited about the improved character editors as PSO only had a few and all my toons looked pretty much exactly the same lol. Is a certain race
    still best for specific classes. Like if i go melee should I be human? Also, it sounds like there are different way I can take my melee character. Looks like i have a bit of research!

    Assuming there is a type of friends list, i will be adding those of you who offered your help. I just might get some use out of ya, lol.

  10. #10
    Random "Nice" Swordsman Calsetes's Avatar
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    Be careful, with a smaller community like this, you do tend to see a bit more drama at times. Then again, it's to be expected when roughly 90% of the game's population is all crammed into a single tiny lobby, and about 40% of the game's populace has nothing better to do than sit there and use PSU as a chat room. Just giving you a heads-up.

    If you make it a point to not get involved in the dramatic crap, then it's an amazing game (which is probably why I still like it after all this time).
    Stupid, stupid rat creatures!

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