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  1. #1

    Default psz amazing graphics?

    Has anyone seen the graphics on Psz there amazing. The game's for the ds and the graphics aren't even pixelated.

  2. #2


    If you're talking about this game. Then I'm not sure. The graphics are definitely pixellated as is with nearly all 3D games on the DS. However, for a DS game, they do a pretty nice job. A very nice job, in fact. It's definitely Phantasy Star (or at least the Action-Dungeon Hacker kind we've seen since PSO), and it stuffs a lot in the cart.

    Some of the artwork displayed in the later levels is quite nice, as well. However, I think the most impressive part, is having a fully-online-playable (over Wi-Fi internet) Phantasy Star game on a portable. Rare enemies, and even rare zones are present in the game. It easily takes a very high position (if not the top) for Dungeon Hackers on the DS handheld.

  3. #3


    This looks great.

  4. #4


    Best one IMO FFCC lags to much online and have a bad keyboard
    Duck Tales
    # of Members: 45

    Requirement to join Duck Tales - If I like the cut of your Jib jk its free for all
    wait no i mean free for all

  5. #5


    10 years ago they made this game called phantasy star online. im not bsing you. I swear to god it had better graphics than phantasy star zero as well as way more content. shut up im dead serious.

  6. #6


    Actually, the content wasn't quite at that point, at the beginning. A lot of content was added to Phantasy Star Online with various releases and revisions of the game. There was also a major overhaul of balance changes between version 1 and version 2. Then the versions of Episode 1 and 2 came along, and they had a good amount of extra content to go with a new class or two.

    Since this is the first start on a DS, it'll probably be more fair as to how it compares to PSO v1. Even though we're talking around a 1 megabit--- correction 1 gigabit limit on the game cart. Hardly what one would compare to the many megabytes used for PSO.
    Last edited by Akaimizu; Apr 1, 2009 at 12:19 PM.

  7. #7
    Kitty the Tigergirl Aisha_Clan-Clan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tigerworld or Ragol


    DS cards can be 16MB I belive. For Pso, It's over 1GB.

  8. #8
    Blue Burst/Zero FTW!
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan


    Portable. Goes online. 16mb carts. 64-bit graphics. Given what they had to work with, I'd say they did a DAMN good job.

  9. #9


    the carts hold more than 16 mbs. ps0 is several 100 mbs

  10. #10


    The ds cart holds up to 2gigs.

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