Let me start with this, I know there is another topic like this out, I couldn't find it though.
There is 2 things I hate in life more than everything else in the world.
So Im on youtube (i know, im asking for it) and I see a comment in the video that reads... something really racists to black people. I myself am missed with alot of things from black,white, and stuff that I cant even remember, or spell. But, my overall skin tone is a light brownish, so im more black then white.
Anyway, It pisses me off sooo much when they have to leave a really racist comment usually involving the "N" word. What gets me even madder is that people start to agree and before ya know it, you got 5 racists punks dropping "N" bombs in ways never imagined. I know the whole "BE MATURE" thing, but its not always easy. I just want your opinions/views... again.... on this problem that will never be solved.
Oh and my second thing i hate is those darn youtube messages you need to type when you type too much..they can be really annoying sometimes.
Ps: I will add to this tomorrow, got a game to finish.
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