Well... since I've been playing Blueburst again I figured I should finish what I started while I still have interest. I'm going to try to finish the scripts in the following weeks. Unfortunately I probably won't be going through quests more than once unless needed. So if there's hidden text or extra paths that aren't normally there let me know here, thanks!

Just a few more quests to go. I tried to keep the same formatting as before.

Characters talking are underlined. Characters spoken to again manually are underlined and italicized.
Areas are bolded, underlined and enclosed with =. locations within areas are marked with italics and --

9-5:The Chosen (1/2)
Rescue Rupika. Search for her in the Crater.

Client: Principal
Leo Grahart has taken Rupika into the Crater. Rescue her.

=Pioneer 2=
--Principals Office--

Thank you for coming, [name].
Leo Grahart has headed further underground, along with Rupika.
We want you to try and rescue her from him.
We can only speculate what his true intentions are.
Perhaps there's a clue underground.
The teleporter has been prepared to send you to the target area.
Unfortunately, the teleport system has been acting up.
We were unable to get coordinates directly to the target zone.
so, you'll be sent to a location just within the Crater.
Head in as deep as you can into the Crater, and get Rupika out of there.
Good luck.

We cannot guarantee hwo stable it is within the Crater itself.
We also believe you'll likely encounter new dangerous creatures.
This will be a very potentially hazardous mission.
Please be careful.

Oh, I have a little bit of information for you...
The Lab apparently had some research data on the Crater's interior.
It's rather curious, but it helped us.
Still, what could they have been investigating?

This situation is so difficult to believe.
Actually, I need to inform you of something.
Rupika's been under my protection by the behest of our government.
I'm ashamed at having failed in my duty to keep her safe.
The situation is grim. Your help will continue to be invaluable to us.

Only a handful of people know about what I just told you about Rupika.
I'm asking you to please keep what I told you in confidence.
After she's back safely, I will come clean to everyone.
In the meantime, though, Rupika's safety comes first!
Please, find and rescue her!

(Left Scientist)
Why did Leo Grahart flee into the Crater's underground stratum?
Is he trying to stay hidden? Or is there something else going on?

(Right Scientist)
Leo seems intent on getting deeper into the Crater.
I've also heard the anti-WORKS organization is extremely active now.

--Outside Principals Office--

(Lady in shops)
Let everyone else get riled up about things! I'm all about shopping!
... ... ...
...hey were you just listening in on me?

(Lady near check room)
They say that the Crater leads to a subterranean stratum.
I've never even been to the surface, let alone beneath it.
I'm getting tired of being stuck on this spaceship.

(Scientist near check room)
Oh, I just can't slake my thirst for knowledge!
I think that they might find the meteor down there underground!
Oh, I'd love to be able to go see it!

(Man by Principal's teleporter)
Those guys in uniform seem to be bickering amongst themselves.
They seem divided in opinion over their captain.

(Boy outsider Hunter's Guild)
It's too bad about that girl who was hanging out at the Medical Center.
She was a little wierd wasn't she?
She sometimes acted grown up, then all of a sudden she was like a kid again.
I couldn't tell if she was older or younger than me!

(Girl outside Med Center)
Who's that snob with the really gaudy hat that came through here?
I think I've seen him before. Is he famous or something?

(Nurse in Med center)
If you're hurt, head to the Medical Center for aid!
Say, you know that girl who was here before?
I've got a strange feeling about her.
She always seemed so happy, up until she disappeared.

(Left Soldier to Ragol Teleporter)
It seems that teams are now investigating the Crater's fissure.
I can't imagine that it's even remotely safe down there.
Both us military and you hunters better be careful down there.
(Right Soldier to Ragol Teleporter)

We still haven't gotten any new orders or new information at all.
Still, we are the military. Procedures must be followed.
As long as we make sure we're prepared, there's no problem!

=Crater Interior=

Kill some enemies, ash and a soldier appear.

The teleporter's been rewired to send people underground.
We've sent quite a few down already.
What could be down there, though?

It's all or nothing from here on out.
I've got to save her!

We're checking all outsiders who come through!

You must be the ninth person to come through.

=Subterranean Desert 1=

A soldier is seen as you progress through the area

Where in the world has the captain gone?
Does this have something to do with the meteor impact?

Pay no heed to what I said, hunter.

Kill some enemies and Kireek appears

I see.
Let's not change the subject, now.

The people you're looking for up ahead are gone now.
My guess?
I only know that they've left and gone someplace else.

Another soldier is seen as you progress through the area

What are hunters doing sneaking around here?

Return to the surface immediately! This is a military affair!

Kill some enemies and Dr. Montague and Elenor appear

What? Is someone there?
Ah! M...my name is E... Elenor...
Elenor Camuel... I am an android.

Can I help you?

(Dr M)
Heh heh. I am Dr. Jean-Carlo Montague.
What might you be doing here, hmm?
I see!
If you want to see where the meteor crashed, go this way.

(Dr M)
Have I seen a soldier named Leo Grahart?
Well, I think we're getting closer.

(Dr M)
Heh heh heh.
Now, now. Let's focus on the subject at hand.

Bernie is seen as you progress through the area

Hey, have you found any leads?
Oh man, I should have never taken my eyes off Rupika.

What... What will happen now?
Take a warp and another cutscene happens

Shift to a room with Kireek confronting Leo. Rupika between three soldiers behind Leo. Camera angled in the corner behind kireek.

Seems someone's caught up with me. Hmm, the girl must've slowed me down.
No matter, I'll teach you not to interfere in MY business.

You think you can handle me? I allowed you to be aware of my presence.
Not that it matters. I'm taking that girl back!

Hmph! You arrogant government dog!
This girl means nothing to you!
Do you even know who she is, or what she's capable of?
WORKS understands. I understand. Don't underestimate me.
Besides, what can you do all by yourself?

I don't care who she is. But I have my orders.
You're going to let the girl go, unharmed.
And as to what I can do by myself?
I guess we won't know until I try! Ha ha ha!

Camera changes angle to Leo's side showing both Kireek and Leo

Let's see just what you ARE capable of, then!


Camera angle changes again. Sue appears behind the soliders and Leo with Rupika

Oh, too bad! Looks like he wasn't alone after all.
Is this really the extent of your so-called "plan"?
The girl goes with me!

You! You backstabbing traitor!
Where are my men? After her!

(Soldier somewhere off screen behind Sue and Rupika)
We're here!

Camera shifts to Kireek close-up

Affirmative! Let's proceed, then.
You pests are of no concern to me.
Be thankful that I've decided to spare you.
Camera shifts to Leo

Your group has been a thorn in my side for far too long.
Well, no matter.
I already have what I came for.
Heh heh.
Ha ha ha ha!

Camera changes again to Rupika and Sue in a hallway

I'm glad I found you when I did.
Are you hurt?

Who are you?!

Heh. I suppose it's fine if you don't remember.
Our meeting like this must be fate, you know.

Cutscene ends.

Right before you exit, camera switches to a room with Dr M, Elenor and the player in a different room.

(Dr M)
Ah, it's you, again.
Are you also looking for Rupika?

Doctor! The atmospheric Photon concentration is...!

(Dr M)
Ah, I should have known. He shouldn't have brought Rupika down here.
But then, he doesn't know what I know.
This could be bad. Very bad...
[name], could I ask you to do me a favor?
You want to know why he brought Rupika underground, first?
Fair enough.
Very well.
It's a bit of a yarn, though. Bear with me.
On Coral, we discovered a new lifeform in a meteor that struck our planet.
Its cells contained an energy much like our man-made Photon technology.
We termed this abnormal photon presence as the "D-factor".
The D-factor has a great effect on natural and artificial lifeforms.
It infests, fuses with things, and makes them evolve.
One of the results of our experiments was the development of Mags.
This has been kept secret from the public, naturally.
You know that Mags all evolve and change in different ways, yes?
But even the scientists who did the experiments we unsure how and why.
No one knows even if the Photon Mirage was an intended development.
Anyways, after Mags, we began to create androids and Newmans, as well.
Thanks to the D-factor, the military was able to create "Emotional AI".
Many advancements are perpetuated by the military.
That's just how it always seems. In any case, I approved the project.
They wanted to use the Emotional AI for military purposes.
And they needed other systems to work in tandem with it.
The unifications of Mags, androids, and other weapon systems...
They needed to create MOTHER.
All of this happened in concordance with the MOTHER Project.
However, under WORKS guidance, the MOTHER Project failed.
But Leo Grahart apparently hasn't given up.
Rupika has the D-factor infused in her DNA.
He wants to use this to start the MOTHER Project anew.
And, so, we have our present situation.
It may be a bit much to absorb all at once, I know.
I've been informed that Rupika may have already escaped from Grahart.
Even so, she may be residing even deeper inside these strata.
So that still leaves us with a job to find her! Find her, okay?

=Pioneer 2=
--Principal's Office--

They escaped again?
That is... unfortunate.
Also, I'm troubled that there are more monsters in the Crater itself.
Even so, we must persevere!
I'll commit all our resources into this matter.
That you for all your effort.
Now go relax while my team works on the data you've provided.

Thank you.
You can go for now.

So, they managed to elude you again.
Where does he plan on taking Rupika, anyway?
Still, you've confirmed the existence of new creatures. That helps.
Hmm. Further exploration into the Crater looks like our only option.
Even though you didn't catch them, your info have been invaluable.
Our teams will follow up on the leads that you've brought us.
Take time to rest while you can. Meanwhile, we'll analyze your information.

Take time to rest while you can. Meanwhile we'll analyze your information.

That should be it. I don't think any changes need to be made.