I have a gibarta 15 and a rafoie 15.

Look everyone! It's stuff that hasn't been duped to hell by everyone on and off this board.

Let's see how long it takes after I trade these away to see every level 40 force with rafoie 15! My bet is a week I'll see it back on the board, by 5+ people that claimed they found it on their own.

Granted, these two spells are not SUPER rare, but they are pretty damn rare ok. I've played 250 hours now and I finally found them.

Anyways, I want a state/maintainance or flowen frame with slots.

I have all those super rares that everyone else and their mom has, so don't bother asking. And if I don't, I don't want to trade these away for them, because I bet in about two weeks from now, that 0/30/35/10% twin brand, and along with every other semi-hot item today, will be more common than sol atomizers.

And even if you offer an egg/blaster or some other super super rare, I think I'll decline and wait until everyone on this board has a duped one and the value of it is about 10 meseta.

Well, reply if you have one of the two things I would like.