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  1. #11
    Shalo the Katana Warrior/Furrypaws Lacker ofTitle furrypaws's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    I have a serious question. When you (the whole of the board, anyone can answer) watch pornography (and perhaps masturbate to it), do you actually feel satisfied? I found that while it felt good (who would deny that?), it still felt lacking.

    Like playing PSU original in a way of sorts.
    Shalo the HUnewearl, GC, level 151

    Furrypaws the Beast, PC/PS2, Level 79, WT10

  2. #12


    Porn exists to sate that urge to do unspeakable things. I'm not morally opposed to it existing (within means of consent, legality, and such), but I would be morally opposed to myself or those to which I consider myself close participating in it. I have about the same attitude toward the military.
    Quote Originally Posted by furrypaws View Post
    I have a serious question. When you (the whole of the board, anyone can answer) watch pornography (and perhaps masturbate to it), do you actually feel satisfied? I found that while it felt good (who would deny that?), it still felt lacking.
    ...Depends on the material at hand?

    ProTip: To damage your credibility, simply call any of the Phantasy Star games "massively-multiplayer."

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Sometimes it's just something to do.

  4. #14


    I don't really have a problem with porn too much. However, I do not look at that kind of stuff. Let's just say one time I was looking up a Angelina Jolie picture to send to a friend like 8 years ago, I clicked on something that took me to this site, which I forgot the name. Comes up with pictures of her, but on the side of the can see nasty furry called it I think... "Guy Thangs". From this day on, my google searches are filtered and I watch everything I look up so I won't make that mistake again.
    Forget Backspacing, Delete that S***

  5. #15



    If it weren't for porn, then VHS would probably have died out to the vastly superior (and more expensive) BetaMax (spelling..?).

    Porn's a great source of income for some individuals. The insensitivity of Porn seems really rough though - it's a shock to some individuals to know that some activities are just not possible in real life.

    Which leads to another point - things that you see in the paper/TV/monitor/media isn't always true. Things that have been seen, cannot be unseen.

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