Cracka_J- Cracka J XXL
bobmanjr2- Oneshotkill794
Kizeragi- Xx Kizeragi xX (plays Battlefield 1943/Modern Combat/Bad Company, Rock Band 2 (and Guitar Hero))
BomberStrife- CosmicBomber(plays Splosion Man, Left4Dead, Armored Core: For Answer, Soul Calibur 4, and Burnout Paridise)
Akihito- TPB Taihaku (plays Plays Fallout 3,Small Arms)
ticklemeemo- TwilightDevoid
Vanguard- SAX90 (plays Halo 3, PSU, Eternal Sonata, Sega Ultimate Collection, Banjo Kazooie, Armoured Core)
Ethateral- Ethateral
Nitro_Vordex- Nitro Vortox (plays MvC2, Rock Band 2 and L4D2) When you add Nitro, tell him who you are from the forums!
joefro- Joefro721 (plays Halo 3, Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands)
Sinue_v2- Sinue v2(plays Fable II and Fallout 3)
Sinue_v2- BoozeJunky(silver account)
James McKenna- FrostedDonuts 0(plays Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Gears of War 2, Too Human, Ace Combat 6, Rock Band 2, Command and Conquer 3/Kane's Wrath, PSU)
Anon_Fire- soulcaliber345
Itachi990- pavellytime (plays halo 3 and ODST)
Pwincess- Pwincess
Tw1sTa- Mr Tw1sTa M08
-Crokar- -fatasthmatic
Ronin_Cooper - RoninCooper (Doesn't play Halo)
Pwincess - Pwincess (play on 360: PSU, Halo 3, Rock Band 1 & 2, Rainbow 6 vegas 2, GH WT, Fable II, and lots of arcade games.)
VXSladeXV - VXLuciferXV (isn't satanic :P)
Freeze- Eries Fury
rayner- rayner2814
Akumamaru- WRECKtos
Kent- Kent
Ghola Ben- Ghola Ben
BIG OLAF- BIG OLAF(plays on a normal, or semi-normal basis: PSU, Borderlands, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, Gears of War 2 Left 4 Dead 2 when it come out, as well)
hc4- jack5812 plays mostly MvC2 and PSU
squeezit- squeezitgirdle
Soske- Shinigami2784
Ithilidan- Rusty Nail 78
Lunacara- Lunacara(see sig for games played)
Delete- D4rk CapTaiN(plays Gears of War 2, Guitar Hero world tour/5, GTA 4, Halo 3, and soon L4D 2 and Assassin's Creed 2)
SuKKrl- sukkriler(plays blazblue, forza 2)
yankees11- PPKO OWnAGe11 (plays PSU)
Sparks Zeta- Sparks Zeta(plays Blazblue, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Soul Calibur, Lost Planet, PSU.)
Neilp4453- Neilp4453 (plays PSU, MW2, Halo, Gears)
Schiezka- SaveTh3Queen
HeY_iTz_LiNxX- Zz iLiNxX zZ (plays Halo, Call of Duty 4, PSU, Guitar Hero's)
VQ35- o Illuminat1 o
Mighty Earth Sage- mightyearthsage
Magic Missile- Vaancor (plays Modern Warfare 2, Rock Band)
Shivah- Naethda (plays GH World Tour, PSU, and Fable II) (If you add this user, make sure you tell her you're from the forums!)
Celi-Ka- DJ Duel v0
Datsun 510- FireLite MS2 (might be a space between "MS" & "2")
WizeMan- WizeMan305 (plays L4D, and L4D2, PSU)
Ragolismine- RadiantLegend
ShinAnt- ShinAnt
Super_Luu- Super Luu
Vickie- Joshbone
AC9breaker- AC9breaker
Terror of Death- ic F3AR
Arthur13- PsYcH0tIcSk1lLz
Neith- urikobb3 (plays Forza 3 and Rock Band 2)(let him know you're adding him)
Darkstar1023- Fx TIZZLE xV
LegendWold- strongbugsy
Robert_Garcia- Sanousuke00
gordon/alpha999- BelievedGordon
Atari2600- Atari26003
Shinato- guerrillapwnzor (tell this person if you add them)
Ranmaru- Neokrw (Plays left4dead2, Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2, Lumines, and Bomberman live. OH and some blur too.)
RayMaster- KentaSan17
amtalx- AmtalX2
CupOfCoffee- iwannabeYoshi
Dr. Pariolo- DocPariolo (Plays CoD, Gears Of War, Halo, BlackLight Tango Down, Left 4 Dead, Borderlands..)
Pram the Oracle- Sephiroth Sonic
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