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  1. #1
    Resist/RealLife++ Volcompat321's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Florida

    Default PSN, 360 Gamertags, and Wii friend codes/Steam/DS/3DS list, add em if you'd like-

    I've been pretty bored lately, and been wondering how many people have Playstation 3's and would like to post their PSN names so other forum people can add ya!

    I'll start with mine, feel free to request me!
    If you have a PSN name that isn't close to your PSO-W username, please let me know who ya are!

    Anyone else care to add me, or join the thread so other pso-w-ers can add you?

    PSN Names


    Will be adding more if/when people post theirs!
    Thanks everyone, keep in touch!

    Cracka_J also suggested we make this for 360 users, so I'll be posting 360 Gamertags as well.
    He also suggested you list the names of the games you play, so if you want, list away!
    We will start off with Cracka_J's gamertag here, and everyone else that wants to join the list.
    360 Gamertags


    Also, since Tetsaru suggest Wii friend codes, why leave em out.
    I'll list your friend codes here when you post em!

    Wii friend codes/or Wii games!


    DS games-

    Steam Names

    Alright, AC9breaker suggested Steam names too, so here it is!


    Aisha_Clan-Clan suggested a part for PC games!

    PC Games


    Click this to get the PSU Forum names link!
    Last edited by Volcompat321; Aug 22, 2010 at 01:10 AM. Reason: Added PSN names/360 gamertags/Wii friend codes/Steam names!

  2. #2



  3. #3
    Battle Fiend Kizeragi's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    The other side of the dream.


    Well, I don't have a PS3 atm, but I have a PSN account setup. (I use it to download games for PSP)

    PSN ID: Kizeragi

    I'm hoping to have a PS3 in the next few weeks or so, we'll see. =)
    Waiting for Phantasy Star Online 2.~

  4. #4
    Resist/RealLife++ Volcompat321's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Melbourne, Florida


    Cool! I'll request you both when I get on.
    If you haven't requested me, feel free to do so!

  5. #5


    Mine is JOEFRO, please add me!
    Nothing is sacred. Not that it ever was.

  6. #6


    I have multiple names, but I use DaLaziGamer mostly.

    I can't wait to own effin' nubs in Tekken 6 Online. Don't be one of them Volcompat.
    My wanted games of 2013:
    Ducktales(PS3), Ys Celceta(Vita), Beyond: Two Souls(PS3), Legend of Heroes:Sen no Kiseki (PS3, JP version)

  7. #7


    My PSN name is Squirrel_3D.

    I only have a PSP right now and two games, so don't expect me to be playing with any of you just yet.

  8. #8
    Resist/RealLife++ Volcompat321's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy_Raine View Post
    I have multiple names, but I use DaLaziGamer mostly.

    I can't wait to own effin' nubs in Tekken 6 Online. Don't be one of them Volcompat.
    I'm actually horrible at fighting games, but I'll try!

    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel3D View Post
    My PSN name is Squirrel_3D.

    I only have a PSP right now and two games, so don't expect me to be playing with any of you just yet.
    That's cool. I made this thread not for only playing games together, but for people to keep in touch mostly.
    I like the people on the forums here, so I'd like to talk to them outside of the forums.
    If you (not you specifically) don't want to talk outside the forums, no one has to add, or put their name here
    Mainly to keep in touch. Sometimes I'm not on the internet for a few days, but I'll play games on the Ps3, so people can just say hi or whatever :d

  9. #9
    Currently: Anime whore XD NGX's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Default ...

    Quote Originally Posted by joefro View Post
    Mine is JOEFRO, please add me!
    Do you play Marvel Vs. Capcom 2? I think I played someone with that
    name or something close to that.

  10. #10


    Mine is Tetsaru, though I figure the sig makes it pretty obvious.

    I haven't been playing my consoles much lately, but feel free to add me if you like.

    My FFXIV:ARR Lodestone Page
    3DS Friend Code: 0318-8097-4335
    Currently playing: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Hearthstone

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