cool, thanks man. that way people on both sides of the pond can add people up.
also my 360 tag doesn't have an underscore, just Cracka J XXL. I'm forced to use it on psn cause psn doesn't like spaces :P
cool, thanks man. that way people on both sides of the pond can add people up.
also my 360 tag doesn't have an underscore, just Cracka J XXL. I'm forced to use it on psn cause psn doesn't like spaces :P
Oh oops!
I'll fix it lol.
Lol, guess we might as well add Wii Codes too while we're at it.
Iirc, mine is: 3335 3732 6766 0721
Again, I haven't had much time to get on my consoles lately, but you guys are welcome to add me. As far as Wii game Friend Codes are concerned, I guess we could do that on an individual basis... I'm afraid they'd take up too much space on here, unless you wanted to use spoiler boxes or something. =x
Last edited by Tetsaru; Sep 15, 2009 at 11:42 AM.
My FFXIV:ARR Lodestone Page
3DS Friend Code: 0318-8097-4335
Currently playing: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Hearthstone
my 360 gamertag is....well Oneshotkill794 XD. I got much more games for that system, but it red ringed so i won't be on in a month![]()
Phantasy Star Zero Character:
Tieria, Lv.67 HUcast
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Character:
Mr. Bushido, Lv.31 Human Hunter
Xbox Gamertag - Xx Kizeragi xX
Pretty much always active. (Xbox 360 is the console of choice at my college lol, all my RL friends play on Xbox Live)
Mostly playing: Battlefield 1943/Modern Combat/Bad Company, Rock Band 2 (and Guitar Hero) and a few others, just look at my game list, it's easier lol. =)
Don't mind anyone adding me, but I won't join every game invite, just as a warning. =p
Waiting for Phantasy Star Online 2.~
Names/Gamertags/Wii friend codes added.
Thanks for the suggestion Tet. I'll be putting mine up when I get a chance!
Spoiler also added to each section, for convenience!
My GamerTag is CosmicBomber if any of you want to add me, I usually play:
Splosion Man
Armored Core: For Answer
Soul Calibur 4
and Burnout Paridise
If you see me on CoD: Modern Warfare, it's probably my cousin.
Alright, names and games added!
Awesome, got stickied, thanks mods!
Last edited by Volcompat321; Sep 16, 2009 at 11:33 AM.
Alright, just to let everyone know, I added the OP to PSU Forums as well.
If you for some reason don't want people from there to know your PSN, let me know and I'll take your name off the list on PSU Forums.
I'll be updating as I get names over there too.
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