Need friends my fc is 2106 9582 1668. I`ll be glad to play any time i`m lv 12 and leveling. So add me then post your friend code.
Need friends my fc is 2106 9582 1668. I`ll be glad to play any time i`m lv 12 and leveling. So add me then post your friend code.
Last edited by pokecenter; Jan 1, 2010 at 10:54 AM.
I don't understand~
edit: lol before your edit there were no questions there all it said was "I am new to the game"![]()
Last edited by sylwyn; Dec 7, 2009 at 09:10 PM.
PSP2 Characters:
Jun Lv.185 M-Newman H:10 R:11 F:28 V:30
Shurelia Lv.76 F-Newman H:1 R:1 F:5 V:16
Did I post in the wrong spot? Understand what?
4 in same game at once. 6 different bosses. No voice chat. Messaging in done through pic2chat. Like 7 main quests, plus a bunch (20 ish?) sidequests. Max level is 100. You can have 3 characters.
It's copy of PSO, with different areas and enemies, an evasion roll that allows you to evade enemy attacks, buffed forces and nerfed rangers.
Last edited by Trina; Dec 7, 2009 at 09:09 PM.
That helped alot thanks Trina ill have more questions later I can`t wait till friday to get the game. I`m so excited I already joined the forum as you see.
# of people at any given time: 4
# of bosses: 7 bosses, 3 mini-bosses, 2 boss areas with multiple waves of that areas strongest hostile [very fun]
# of banks: 2, character and joint
Voice chat: No
PM: No
# of qusts: 15 (excluding story)
Level cap: 100
Character files: 3
Thanks psofan, and where can I get a ps0 avatar? Also since the max lv is usually 200, and its 100 now does growing levels take longer now? One more question a good one too what are the difficulties? normal hard very hard ultimate???
Im not sure if the levels take longer because this is my first phantasy star game however I do know that the difficulties are normal, hard, super hard.
For the avatar: Follow this path: User CP, Edit Avatar. From there, there's a drop-down you can use to access different categories of avatars.
Level growth: As for all PSO games, growing levels usually takes a while. The PSZ level growth is actually slower than PSO's level growth, at least from my observings so far. I might actually compare the two games to see if this holds true for all 100 levels on PSZ. If I recall correctly though, it does.
The difficulties: As someone mentioned before, there are only three difficulties present in this Phantasy Star game - Normal, Hard, and Super Hard
Leveling to 100 is a piece of cake now. What took months and years to achieve on PSO, to reach the max level in PSZ will take less than a week of hardcore playing.
To reach lv100 you need around 6m exp (lv92 takes you to 3m), this is very small in comparison to how much experience it took to get levels 110-200.
PSP2 Characters:
Jun Lv.185 M-Newman H:10 R:11 F:28 V:30
Shurelia Lv.76 F-Newman H:1 R:1 F:5 V:16
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