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  1. #1

    Talking PSO For Xbox 360 and Wii

    Hi guys, I'm trying to sort an online petition to send to sonic team and ask them to update Phantasy Star Online episode 1&2 for the Xbox 360 and Wii. The petition is located on facebook as a group and I'm aiming to get as many members as possible. The group is called Phantasy Star Online for Xbox 360 and Wii. Whoever's on Facebook please join the group and spread the word, the group is completely open as are the discussion boards so please go mad and talk about whatever you'd like. If we spread this group round enough who knows we might really make something happen. Thanks everyone.

  2. #2


    Sega is preparing something for the consoles, will it be a new phantasy star game or download content that i don't know.

    You're not the 1st one to make a petition and i aprove your idea, but sega will not make the same game with beter graphics, it's either a new game or a release of the old ones.

  3. #3
    Hunters Guild Hunter AlexCraig's Avatar
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    I believe I made a point of this in my sticky somewhere.

    Hunters Guild Group
    Alex - BrHu | Satsuki - RaGu | Keiko - SuTe

  4. #4
    That's Mister to you. Freeze's Avatar
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    You did and yet we still get these threads, read the stickies people, read the stickies.

    ]The Ragol Trilogy: Ragol's Gift, Ragol's Curse, Ragol's Legacy GT Xbox One: Eries Fury

  5. #5
    Hunters Guild Hunter AlexCraig's Avatar
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    Here it is
    4.) No, the official servers for Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox, and US/EU Blue Burst have been shut down. The JP Blue Burst servers are the only official servers still alive. And no, Sega will NOT be bringing back the official PSOGC servers. They took elements from PSO and put them into AOI, but they will not be reviving the servers. They were losing money on them and they became a hassle for them to handle. So if you want to play online, you would have to play on the JP Blue Burst servers or find other means (ie. private servers). And since Sonic Team is not interested in the PSO servers anymore, there is no real point in making a petition to revive the servers. Many people have tried, and all of them have failed. Furthermore, it is rather redundant to make a poll or a petition here, when it would be much better suited in a place ST is more likely to look at. Threads like those are usually poorly thought out and only lead to arguements and flames. And to conclude, no, PSO is not making some "grand return" on a new gen system. Sonic Team has attempted to bring elements back from PSO in AOI, but they are not rereleasing PSO on the Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360. Phantasy Star Zero is out for DS, and it is as close to a remake as we are going to get. It is a sad fact you will just have to come to grips with.

    Hunters Guild Group
    Alex - BrHu | Satsuki - RaGu | Keiko - SuTe

  6. #6


    but we can still hope right

  7. #7
    That's Mister to you. Freeze's Avatar
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    More like wish but yep you can.

    ]The Ragol Trilogy: Ragol's Gift, Ragol's Curse, Ragol's Legacy GT Xbox One: Eries Fury

  8. #8


    lol well i joined the group and im WISHing it works even tho i know it wont

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Freeze View Post
    More like wish but yep you can.
    You're cruel Freeze. ;_____;

  10. #10
    That's Mister to you. Freeze's Avatar
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    It was not my intention but yes some times truth hurts. I won't stop anyone from wishing for a PSO rebirth, I often do it myself.

    ]The Ragol Trilogy: Ragol's Gift, Ragol's Curse, Ragol's Legacy GT Xbox One: Eries Fury

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