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Thread: Nintendo 3DS

  1. #1

    Default Nintendo 3DS

    So, Nintendo just announced the successor to the Nintendo DS:

    The working title is the Nintendo 3DS. Odds are that will change. The big deal this time around? The DS will supposedly be able to display "3D" graphics without the need of 3D glasses.

    There isn't much more information available, although they've said it will be backwards compatible with all DS and DSi games, meaning it should at least be able to match the feature set of the DSi (2 screens, microphone, 2 cameras, SD slot, etc.) It'll most likely have a more powerful processor and it's rumored to have motion control support of some kind. It's up in the air whether this will be based on accelerometers or if it'll be using the cameras to fake motion control.

    I'm not a big fan of 3D movies. I think they're neat, but I don't think they're the right direction for the entire industry to move into. I feel the same way with 3D games.

    However, Kotaku has a post referencing a 3D-esque effect being used in an iPhone game which might be along the lines of what Nintendo is thinking:

    I would be okay with that.

    Just like motion controls, if developers are smart enough to use the eventual 3D tech when it adds something to the game and stick with alternative methods when that works better, things should be fine.

    Thoughts? Fanboy rage? Have at it.

  2. #2


    I guess I'm indifferent. I'm not into the whole "3D" thing, so I'll just have to wait and see where this goes, and what comes out for it. Maybe it can change my opinion on the whole 3D thing.

  3. #3


    Wasn't impressed by Avatar's 3d at all (its 3 layers of depth looked awkward at times) and I also don't think they add that much anyway.

    Motion controls in a portable.... not the best idea I think, but its too early to come to conclusions.

    If it comes with both 3d and motion controls but its game doesn't abuse them (and if the library is as good as the DS one) it shouldn't be a big problem.
    ( ・ω・)ノ゙

  4. #4
    Once & forever Protranser Gunslinger-08's Avatar
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    Heh, sounds to me like an attempt to cash in on the 3D hype.

    Ship 2 - Gatz

  5. #5


    3.....DS? lol, and if they make a bigger size Nintendo 3ds, then they'll call it Nintendo 3ds max? 3d modelers will laugh with this XDD

  6. #6
    RAcast v2.03 amtalx's Avatar
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    Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of Nintendo releasing bite size updates to their hardware. There will need to be something pretty damn special to grab my interest.

  7. #7


    Yes exactly^

    My DSL is all I need (though I'd prefer DSphat) and I wish they'd work on something new instead of bite size changes such as the DSiXL

  8. #8
    Resist/RealLife++ Volcompat321's Avatar
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    I'll just leave this one alone.

    I don't think it's a good idea.

    3D, on the move is likely to cause motion sickness or vertigo or something.
    Doesn't sound pleasing at all.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Outrider View Post
    However, Kotaku has a post referencing a 3D-esque effect being used in an iPhone game which might be along the lines of what Nintendo is thinking:
    I would bet that this new DS is taking advantage of Texas Instrument's new 3D display technology. No glasses are needed, but it only works for a screen of fairly small size, where the viewer's distance away is predictable. It works by projecting a different image toward each eye, and it seems like a handheld game console would be the ideal application of it.

    No doubt, a designer at Nintendo read an article about the tech, and thought, "DO WANT".

    Go team ph4il! 02/07/2016

  10. #10


    This is actually the next release in the Nintendo handheld line. Just as the DSi was to the Gameboy Color, this is comparable to the Gameboy Advance.

    Think of this as the GBA>DS shift or the Gamecube>Wii change.

    Rumors have been claiming that this will run on the nVidia Tegra, which is quite a bit more power than what current DS systems have.

    Also, several reports are pointing to the "3D" technology being based off of Sharp's "View Veil" technology, which allows for an image to change based on the direction it's being viewed from. Engadget has a rough summary of it here:

    I think I'd enjoy something like that more than the regular idea of 3D video, so I'm feeling more accepting of this update.

    But if I just bought a DSi or a DSi XL? I'd be a little miffed that the successor is being released so soon.

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