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Thread: Nintendo 3DS

  1. #11
    Resist/RealLife++ Volcompat321's Avatar
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    That Japan only DSi game the first link linked to...looks pretty cool.
    If it works like that, then it wont be too bad.

    Though I was never a fan of 3D.
    Like I said, I'll just leave this one alone, unless I get a lot of money by the time it comes out.

  2. #12


    i dont want 3D in a handheld although if this is going tobe the true next step in the handheld lijne and not a sspin off like DSlite/I/XL i'll b happy either way

  3. #13
    RAcast v2.03 amtalx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Outrider View Post
    This is actually the next release in the Nintendo handheld line. Just as the DSi was to the Gameboy Color, this is comparable to the Gameboy Advance.

    Think of this as the GBA>DS shift or the Gamecube>Wii change.
    I got that notion from the "successor" part, but this still doesn't feel like a major iteration. Usually new generations of hardware have a major unveiling, a press conference...anything. This news just stumbled out the door like Sony/MS releasing a hardware redesign (which we should probably be expecting from MS sometime soon).

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Outrider View Post
    But if I just bought a DSi or a DSi XL? I'd be a little miffed that the successor is being released so soon.
    The funny thing is, the DSi XL isn't even out in NA or Europe(I think) yet. I doubt it will affect sales but it is still kind of weird how they announced this. I guess they just wanted to say "yeah we're making a new handheld so shut up about these 'rumors'."

    I've always been a fan of handheld gaming and I hope that Nintendo does not screw this up. Hopefully this does use Tegra or Tegra 2, though I'm not sure how far along Tegra 2 is in development.
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  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by amtalx View Post
    I got that notion from the "successor" part, but this still doesn't feel like a major iteration. Usually new generations of hardware have a major unveiling, a press conference...anything. This news just stumbled out the door like Sony/MS releasing a hardware redesign (which we should probably be expecting from MS sometime soon).
    Yeah, I agree the "use a press release instead of waiting until E3" seems a little weird. Game and console reveals usually focus so much on theatrics and drama.

    Then again - they didn't release much information at all. Odds are we'll get all that in a big show at E3, but now they're guaranteeing that enthusiast and mainstream media outlets will both be watching.

    (Or heck - maybe they'll just show up with it out of the blue at PAX this weekend. That's always a possibility, right?)

  6. #16


    forget what i said about not wanting 3D i thot it meant popping out, if it means wut this video is, depth then im totally for it!
    asltho i would want the game to be on one screen, the whole thing about a characters head being on the bottom screen getting cut off at the top and then it looks way weird with it going to the top screen, alttho if the screens are right next to eachother that would be good, but i do like menus on bottom and game on top
    Last edited by Kyrith_Ranger_Pso; Mar 23, 2010 at 05:38 PM.

  7. #17


    Seems like it could be alright, I guess. But I could just as easily see it being extremely gimmicky and forced like many current DS games are with unnecessary touch input that becomes annoying.

    I don't get why people get so majorly excited for 3D media, though. I mean, real life is also in 3D and nobody gets all pumped about looking at trees outside.

  8. #18


    lolZ ur proly right, i just kinda want it to be there but not overly-used like the touch screen (the touch controls are y i dont play the zelda ds games after getting phantom hourglass and being annoyed with the controls)

  9. #19


    Huh. Guess I might finally stop using my fat DS. In year or two when this is released, that is.

    Edit: Lol tag: "Outrider is picky"
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  10. #20
    [゚д゚] < ナカソネティーチャー Mike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volcompat321 View Post
    3D, on the move is likely to cause motion sickness or vertigo or something.
    Doesn't sound pleasing at all.
    This is the first thing I thought about. I don't have to ride the train very often but I do take a game along when I do and this sounds like nausea. Bleh. It is proably too early to make any decisions though.

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