I hear rumors that they can damage your console .Is that true.
I hear rumors that they can damage your console .Is that true.
I strongly doubt it, as they couldn't damage your console on the Dreamcast version. As I understand it, it was simply a threat that lamers used to try to scare other people. Just a stupid lie, nothing more.
It's even more unlikely that it can be done on the GC. I wouldn't worry.
The mass public and not use codes/alter the game at the moment.
There was a code on the DC that would cause people's DC to reset but it didn't do any damage to the system itself. You'd just lose items 1/2 the time since it didn't save properly. Currently they cannot do this on the GC due to lack of code and cheat device to implement the code.
Anyone know if thyre gunna have the NOL? i hatred that sh*t
I think barubary said something about NOL being dead for good but I could be wrong.
Thats good, i hope the NOl never appears. I quit v2 because of NOL.
im sry NOL?
Character overwrite to NPC often referred to at NOL because that was the most commonly used NPC when people did it. Basically your current character file was overwritten by an NPC file therefore turning your character into an exact copy of an NPC that appeared in the offline guild quests.
although there was no damage done to my system, my brother was RSODed this week (RSOD is reset screen of death)... its just as bad as FSOD, although a lot less common. i hope they stop these blank
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