Ragol Memorial Festa
* Like a Dream C-S3 (1-4 players): An area has been discovered in the ruins which continuously spawns monsters. Make you way to that area and eradicate the monsters!
* The Doctor's Request (1 player): This mission will be updated to include information on the new mission listed above.
* 4P Mission Standby (1-4 players): An event-exclusive standby area to be used as a rendezvous point.
* The original standby mission will be renamed 6P Mission Standby for the other two event missions which allow up to six players.

Seasonal events
* Winter lobbies will go up. They will stick around from January 13 through February 3.

Mission updates
* New exchanges will be added to Special Exchange 2nd.

System updates
* New titles will be added.

Item related
* New items will be added, including Double Cannon (double saber) and Moebius Drill (spear).
* New GC mission items will be added between Legacy of the Light and Photon Crystal Exchange. These include Elysion (saber) and T Yasminkov 2000H (twin handgun).
* The following items will be temporarily removed from Photon Crystal Exchange:
- Gadianna
- Motav Prophecy
- Koncuc
- 420 Ossoria Dress/Set
- 470 Ossoria Suit/Set
- 480 Ossoria Suit/Set
- Santa Dress (clothes and parts)
- Reindeer Suit (clothes and parts)
* For the duration of the winter lobbies, the Snowman decoration will be available at the Variety Shop.
* Casino rotation.