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  1. #1


    Ok kids, this is something called a "role playing game" and this is just starting so if you want to join just post a reply here with a filled out character sheet and we'll get started...

    G o d l e s s E a r t h

    welcome to the first Halcyon-Based role playing game... EVER...

    This is an experinment which I've decided to try, I thought it up while I was sitting staring blankly at a tile wall... Don't ask... anyway... Here's the plan... You know how to play Role Playing Games, otherwise you wouldnt be in here, so I'll try to sum up the character creation rules as best as possible:

    Creating a character: Fill out this feild and follow the applied rules in ( )'s
    my only key here is to be as exotic as possible

    Name: (First, Middle, Last)
    Left Eye Color: (does not mean the iris color, but the "white" of the eye)
    Left Pupil/Iris Color:
    Right Eye Color: (can differ should you choose the standard is usually white)
    Right Pupil/Iris Color: (Can differ while eye "whites" stay the same)
    Hair Color: (Go with something creative)
    Hair Style: (Spikey, Droopy, dreadlocks, bald, half bald, what?)
    Race: (Choose All forms of Genasi, Planetouched, Multiplanar abbominations or Terran or Android)
    Gender: (Males tend to be rough, Females Tend to have higher int and wis, and Androgynouse tend to be very gifted in both all androids are androgynouse though they can have a "theme" to their appearance making them look like a nurse or a tank or whatever)
    Body Peircings: (nothing naughty)
    Silver Nitrate Facial tatoos: (These are subject to change as they may become status symbols, your choices are, one triangle on either cheek, two triangles on either cheek, one or two on both cheeks, a rectangle on either cheek or both, a cicular patter, a star pattern, or a unique pattern (please specify) remember these tend to only work for people who havent chosen "drow" as their skin tone)
    Additional tatoos: (Silver nitrate patterns down your arms and legs perhaps? Id unnow...)
    Skin Tone: (Pale, Fleshy, or "drow" black)
    Proffession: (When you select a profession, keep in mind that they wont be your "ordinary" D&D type profesion, rangers, for example, will be able to ignite arrows with their minds and shoot them like machine gun bullets and fighters will be able to leap across buildings like superheroes, mages automatically will have the abillity to fly and so on...)
    Age: (You can either be short-lived or ageless nothing in between please )
    Cravings: (Optional, chocolate, blood, you choose...)
    Blood type: (Tells ALOT about your character)
    Religeon: (You have Christianity(good), Athiesm(Neutral), The Torn Ones (Good/Evil depends on the time of day) Buhdism(Good), and Satanism(evil), this game is highly based on the Kabalah and the Bible, it is not a religeouse thread tho)
    Astral Sign: (Made-up signs count too)
    Outfit: (Something punkish or superheroish this isnt the middle ages so if you want plate mail make it jagged and only coverint you in particular areas)
    Ears: (Pointy, Normal, Robot ears, Cat Ears... you choose)

    Stats: (You have 400 points to go around if you're male or female, Hermaphrodites and Androgynouse get 600)

    STR: (Maxes at 200 for males, 150 for females, and 400 for Androgynouse)
    INT: (Maxes at 200 for females, 150 for males, and 400 for Androgynouse)
    WIS: (Maxes at 150 for females, 100 for males, and 300 for Androgynouse)
    CHA: (Maxes at 100 for all three)
    CON: (200 for males and females, 400 for Androgynouse)
    DEX: (Maxes at 200 for males and females, 400 for Androgynouse)

    Body Type: (Small, Medium, large, (or extra large androids only)

    Special abilities: (Choose 20 of the following unless you're a Mage then you get 45) Remember these abilities evoulve as you level up

    Psionic: Time Controll, Mind Alteration, Psychic Destruction, Raise Machinery, Raise Dead, Controll of electricity, Controll of Darkness, Controll of Light, Midus touch, Destructive Touch, Flight, Psionic Sheild, Kai Charge, Unlimited Spell Casting, Improved Spell Knowledge, Memorize Level 1-4 D&D Spells, Memorize Level 5-7 D&D Spells (Prerequisite is previouse skill), Memorize Level 8-10 D&D Spells (Prerequisite is previouse skill), Mold Mind, Fuse With Other, Fuse Two Targets, Mind meld, vulcan pinch, Spock's Logic, Humble Thoughts, Show Dedication through ultimate prayre, overturn side, Convert, exhultation, reach nirvana

    Energy Blasts: Dragon Pass, Kanko Dan, Mahatishita Dan, Blinding Orb, Disco Ball, Wreched Dance, Wild Fury, Burning Ando, Kyshio Ro Kyo, Konosuru, Ro-Dan, Ri-Ho, Flik, Timed Bomb, Bad Step, Dance of Death, Hurt, Atomic Breath, Flying Wail, Sound Wave, Dimensional Incursion, Makarikukai-dan, Shin-dan, fuhutau-dan, kugutsu-dan, tri-phase, searing pose, atomic punch, chilli missile, Sun amplification, Lunar Dedication, Repulsor Blast, Mighty One, Double Duce, Suprise detonation, Snap Crackle Pop, Phased Beam, Hiper Missile Parifat, Galactic Donut, Tonrado, Spontanouse Combusion kick, Self-Destruct, Wild Yell

    Power: Inhuman Lifting, Longjumping, Boomerang Weapons, Volcano, Earthquake, Peirce with hands, use air to destroy matter, unlimited breathing, Critical Strike, Limit Break, blitz, Improved Street Fighting, Mid-air fighting, Gravity-Defying Speed, Ubertackle, Flurry of Blows, Flurry of Kicks, Improved Flurry (Prerequisite is Flurry of Blows and Kicks), Even Greater Flurry (Prerequisite is improved flurry), Omnipotent Flurry (Prerequisite is even Greater Flurry), Split with hands, Head Bonk, Bull Rush, Tornado, Hurricaine, Know Ninjitsu, Know Karate, Know Kung-Fu, Know Pai Quion Jinn, Know Drunken Man's Fighting Style, Know Tae-Bo, Know Tai-Chi, Know Tae Kwan Do, Know "Flight of the Faithfull" Fighting Style(highly recomended), Know Two-Fisted-Monkey-Style, Ultimate Way of the Monk (Prerequisite is all fighting styles), Excersize, Stretch, really throw, dodge spin, Monk Meditation, Become one with kabalah (Ultimate Monk Technique requires all other monk attributes)

    Charismatic: Instant Romance, Rob blind, backstab, Wall Climbing, Blow Kiss

    Dexterity: Rapid Fire, Juggling, Mid air critical strike, Weapons Finesse, Point Blank Shot, Object Toss With Good Accuracy, find weakpoint, Ship Piloting
    Melee Lock, Distance Lock, Precise Strike Improvement, Great Kick Special (Target Head), Great Kick Special (Target Groin), Eye Poke, Mid-Air Strike, Air Blocking, Switcharoo, Dodge with Ship (requires ship piloting feat), Combat Training with Ship (requires Ship Piloting Fear)

    Abilities for Androids and Terrans:

    Terrans and androids don't get the above techniques but have their own list, including: Improved wepaon handling, Climbing, grappling, throwing, unarmed combat, street fighting, limit break, and mech piloting (note that androids who choose the size of Extra large actually ARE mechs and because they're PCs do not require a pilot) Ship Piloting, Dodge with Ship (requires ship piloting feat), Combat Training with Ship (requires Ship Piloting Fear


    Your character must have a tool, so choose something, anything, be creative, know that its power will never equal that of your own tho, androids and terrans gain the automatic use of any weapon they like, all non-terran/androids are granted a single soul cell. If a person wins the game they earn a second soul cell, The torn automatically obtain two soul cells, each soul cell contains the potential to gain 10 more abilities, but it is only workable at level 20. So remember that. Terrans/Androids basically can choose guns including: Repulstor Rifles, Quad Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Dimensional Guns, Flight Irons, Tazer Batons, Mining Lasers, Plasma Sheilds, anythign your imagination can think of, heck even bows and spears work here, remember that most players should "theme" their character so weapons should also be themed.
    Also remember that Ships, and Mechs are useable as weapons as well, we'll categorize them whent he time comes...


    now that thats over lets explain how the system works, your player levels up like so:

    Everyone Begins at Level 1,

    Level 2 - 1000 XP Points
    Level 3 - 1500 XP Points
    Level 4 - 2000 XP Points
    Level 5 - 2500 XP Points
    Level 6 - 3000 XP Points
    Level 7 - 3500 XP points
    Level 8 - 4000 XP Points
    Level 9 - 4500 XP Points
    Level 10 - 5000 XP Points
    Level 11 - 6000 XP Points
    Level 12 - 7000 XP Points
    Level 13 - 8000 XP Points
    Level 14 - 9000 XP Points
    Level 15 - 10,000 XP Points
    Level 16 - 15,000 XP Points
    Level 17 - 20,000 XP Points
    Level 18 - 25,000 XP Points
    Level 19 - 30,000 XP Points
    Level 20 - 35,000 XP Points

    Ok, how do you get XP ponits? Well heres how:

    Meditation: Gain 100 XP points per 10 seconds, an automatic 2 levels up if undisturbed for a day. (the Kai Charge technique also allows you to meditate at 5 times the ordinary rate, however it requires you to stand out in the open and make your presence blatantly known)

    Work: Find Jobs around the city, ask NPCs you meet (i'll direct them) and you can gain XP musch more quickly

    Fight: Of course you're bound to meet eachother, and villians and monsters, fighting them gives XP, oh and if you should fight eachother, remember it will make you noticed but XP will be potentially amazing

    Losing XP Points:

    How do you LOSE points? Why 20 levels may seem like alot of work but infact its much harder because if you use any special abilities, instead of costing mana, it will cost you XP, hence, the personw ith the most points usually wins a fight, though punching and kicking are plain, in this world if you want to fight another like yourself you'd better expect to do a few energy blasts, take out a few city blocks and charge up alot of points, of course you can expell points just as quickly as you gain them, so make sure you win... another way to lose points, of course, is losing a fight, which automatically takes 1 level away, no matter what. During a fight levels are bound to go up and down too, so be prepared, if that huge energy blast doesnt work out you might just end up with your oponent getting the advantage, this will make you all the more cautiose about combat.

    How to win: If your oponent is eirher killed or knocked out you win, your HP is determined by your constitution, and belive me, no ordinary HP is invoulved, though yoru stats may change as you level, its the improvements of your ABILITIS which you'll see are key, so choose your abilities wisley, also, strong mages and intelligent fighters can work, they just wont work well, and you'll see that rather quickly, so don't try to cheat the system

    The games setting: The game is in a city the likes of a blade-runner ripooff, there are a thousand paths for every path taken and a thousand possibilities, work, temples for healing, underground areas, including fighting pits, subways, stargates, and even space stations lie at your disposal on this unusual earth. Sighing up for this game is NOT and i repeat, NOT a munchkin game, it's a game about inhuman characters the likes of which appear in my manga who are like gods among men in a frivolent world subject to change.

    Keys to playing: Keep your Identiry secret, as PCs you're all really after eachother, and people are after you, and unless there is a dire circumstance, it is recomended that you don't do anything crazy. Androids who play will join the side of the government, or will be mercenaries, dedicated to killing the inhumans. Terrans will also be parts of the government. Comic relief is also an important thing to have, so be sure to keep a good attitude while playing, unless you want to be a dark character, go nuts

    Work: Once again, jobs are offered at everything from Resturaunts to offices, your character is very adaptive and should be able to do any chore the city required.

    Owning Ships and Property: You can buy guns, ships, apartments, and build space stations eventually if you collect enough money, the ultimate goal for anyone here is to probably build a home on another world, free from the opression of earth, but remember theres a competition going on here, ship types will be explained when we get to them, until now, just know that all manners of vehicles have been seen in my manga before and i'm prepared for anything.

    The Main Character: The one person who is sucessfull who will rise above all others will not only get their own comic series but also the potential title of a level 20 MasakariKushari Kai, and with it, the ability to meet the creator of the universe which enables you to be reset into the next game with all of your same abilities + 10-30 more of your choice. then set in with a fresh batch of players, winners will always continue on to the next game even if another player wins, a tie is only possible if a neutral agreement is made for both players to just give it up and meet their destiny together.

    Temples: Each major religeon has a temple, though the darker ones will have to find underground places.

    The Torn: The torn tend to be wicked during the night while good during the day, they may even change lifestyles completley, and they are usually unaware of their alter ego as they are sufferint from a jeckyle-hyde style multipler personality disorder.

    Alright that should be that... good luck everyone who signs up, lets hope for a good game, oh and i'll illustrate characters after you're done setting them up.

  2. #2
    Warning +2 KodiaX987's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Montreal, Canada


    Holy biznatch! I'm not sure how I'll fare in that RPG but I'm ready to give the whole thing a go, even if I know abasolutahly nothing about the Halcyon universe... But if it includes herms, then I'll take a wild guess and say it's a sci-fi hentai show!

    And to top it off, I actually DO feel exotic, so not only will I give it a go, I will also pull out one of my old characters, revamp it and see what the hell happens thereafter. o.O; Go me. Tell me if I need to make corrections anywhere.


    Name: November Echo (no middle name)
    Eye Color: White
    Pupil/Iris Color: Ice-sky blue, with twin black pupils
    Hair Color: Snow white
    Hair Style: Palm tree a la PSO, in some special way. Imagine having shoulder-length hair. Open your palms, fingers wide apart, pass it from bottom to top, grabbing what you can. The grabbed hair is tied in a palm-tree ponytail like in PSO (using a white piece of shoe string.) The rest hangs down in clumps like Anime characters, the clumps well separated since the areas alternate: hanging down, grabbed up, hanging down, grabbed up...
    Race: Planetouched refers to gifted people... Right? Well you know better. Whatever looks angelic (minus the wings) and can still kick your ass.
    Gender: Female
    Body Peircings: Silver ear pendant shaped in the form of a pistol. One for each ear.
    Silver Nitrate Facial tatoos: None
    Additional tatoos: None
    Profession: Mage...?
    Age: I'll go for ageless. Because immortality rocks.
    Cravings: Golden and silver objects, technology, the color white.
    Blood type: A, as in straight-A student.
    Religion: Non-practicing Christian.
    Astral Sign: Banshee
    Outfit: White long dress. On top of it, covering some of her torso, is a frame-like arrangement shaped somewhat like a swimsuit. This frame generates a protective energy field a la PSO and acts as overall piece of armor. The armor-field itself is a tad weak to allow for more maneuvrability (otherwise she'd need a heavier frame.) Her footwear looks like high-heeled ski boots, but in a less bulky version.
    Ears: Two pairs. First is a pair of normal (if a bit small and cute) human ears, the second pair, just behind, is a bit more pointed, and just slightly bigger, if even noticeably.

    STR: 40
    INT: 90
    WIS: 75
    CHA: 75
    CON: 50
    DEX: 70

    Body Type: Medium (or: tall and slim, duh)


    -Psionic Shield
    -Kai Charge
    -Mind Alteration
    -Destructive Touch
    -Unlimited Spell Casting
    -Memorize Level 1-4 D&D Spells
    -Memorize Level 5-7 D&D Spells
    -Mold Mind
    -Fuse With Other
    -Humble Thoughts
    -Reach Nirvana
    -Time Control
    -Control of Electricity
    -Control of Light
    -Control of Darkness

    Energy Blasts:
    -Disco Ball
    -Sun Amplification
    -Phased Beam
    -Dragon Pass
    -Atomic Breath
    -Repulsor Beam
    -Dimensional Incursion
    -Sound Wave
    -Spontaneous Combustion Kick

    -Pierce With Hands
    -Midair Fighting
    -Gravity-Defying Speed
    -Know Flight of the Faithful Style
    -Dodge Spin
    -Flurry of Blows
    -Flurry of Kicks
    -Improved Flurry

    -Instant Romance
    -Blow Kiss

    -Midair Critical Strike
    -Weapons Finesse
    -Air Blocking
    -Find Weak Point
    -Great Kick Special (Target Head)

    You call on this one since I don't know what might be best fit...

    -Christopher Cross: Medieval-style saber, but it splits in three points at 3/4 length, shaping a cross. Any swing thus almost assuredly generates a stab.
    -Astral Burner: Looks like a grenade launcher. It fires mortars but in a special way: the mortar is blown while inside the cannon, sending a big blast of fire straight forward. Short-ranged but really effective. The recoil is unusually strong.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: KodiaX987 on 2003-03-12 11:06 ]</font>
    "Sword logic? That's cute."

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