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  1. #1

    Default If you need help building a computer or advice on parts.

    It has become apparent to me that a large part of the Phantasy Star base is still really console driven. This game being PC only (for now at least, but lets not go there) is really going to confuse some people when they need to know more about their hardware then "Yep its a 360".

    For those who have not seen the "Will my PC handle this game" thread here is the link. It is full of good information but lacks the building a PC part.

    I am a Software Engineer in MN who basically grew up on PSO and I want to see this community flourish for once. I build computers all the time on the side (2-15 a year). I do this mostly for fun and to keep current on hardware.

    If anyone needs advice on how to build a computer, I would like to use this thread to help those. I can help with hardware selection, price points, part lists, and/or actually building one for people if they would so choose.

    Random Info-
    A PC can be built in a long afternoon for a newb, or as little as an hour for an expert.

    Cheapest Build for PSO-2 that I would actually USE:

    I have removed this section due to it being now- outdated
    Last Note-
    People are all over in skill levels as far as PC's go. I do not know exactly what to put in this thread right now. As people ask questions I can add them to this head-post and hopefully help as many people as I can.
    Last edited by Nuclearranger; Jun 2, 2014 at 12:14 AM.
    If anyone needs help on PC hardware, building a computer, parts/pricing recommendation for PSO-2 please go to this thread:

  2. #2


    Excellent idea, my friend. If theres anything I can do to help, let me know. I also have knowledge in this field, and although I don't do it as a profession, I have built many PC's for friends and family and myself as a hobby.

  3. #3
    (⌐■_■) ShinMaruku's Avatar
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    I say buy a good base and get parts. Good service on your computer is a good thing.

  4. #4
    Obnoxious Little Frog Malachite's Avatar
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    Buying a good 'base' and adding on to it costs a lot more than just building it from scratch does. Isn't this topic just the same as the one it links to? lol

  5. #5
    (⌐■_■) ShinMaruku's Avatar
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    Not all the time. The base does not need to be super but super expandable. Then you can get the savings plus with some of these parts they can wear down quicker. Sometimes building ain't worth it. Just providing options. I say go with either but if you want reliable and something that can be serviced buy a base.

  6. #6
    Obnoxious Little Frog Malachite's Avatar
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    A modified tower can't be serviced lol. If you change anything in a prebuilt machine, it voids your warranty. Unless you're buying one of those prebuilt gamer's rigs, which are ridiculously overpriced in the first place.

  7. #7
    (⌐■_■) ShinMaruku's Avatar
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    You get what you pay for. Some are overprices some are not, if they can be serviced in some ways it's better than building. It's not for everybody ya know. :P

  8. #8


    The final answer to this is that building a PC from scratch is less expensive.

    On top of that manufacturers IEELL HP ect, tend to use lower priced parts for the "Generics" like the power supply and motherboard. In order to get a higher end graphics card to work in one of these machines you will most likely have to replace the power supply anyway.

    Thus making it pointless to buy the OEM machine in the first place.

    Feel free to ask anything (Nothing is too dumb) Also to the comment about how this thread is different. This thread is more based around the construction of the computer. I really want to discuss what parts are better in comparison and even get some members to build computers.
    If anyone needs help on PC hardware, building a computer, parts/pricing recommendation for PSO-2 please go to this thread:

  9. #9
    Obnoxious Little Frog Malachite's Avatar
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    You get what you pay for. Some are overprices some are not, if they can be serviced in some ways it's better than building. It's not for everybody ya know. :P
    Well, you really don't get what you pay for when it comes to those gamer's rigs. They're just parts you can find on Newegg or anywhere, assembled and the price raised so that the builder can actually make some money.

    The cheapest way to build a gaming PC is to just built it yourself, but I understand where you're coming from when you say it's easier to build a decent machine if you start with a prebuilt tower, though modifying it does void your warranty.

  10. #10
    (⌐■_■) ShinMaruku's Avatar
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    Answers in practice are never so black and white. Life resists simplicity. All things neutral sure it would be but life is never that.

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