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Thread: I'm sad

  1. #1


    I wouldnt feel that bothered if I were you. Just feel proud that at least you worked for what you have . Oh and I bet some good money the girls name was Rogue.
    Playing as Keahi on Phantasy Star Portable 2 - US Version.

  2. #2


    What were you depressed about? You did the right thing, turning down that stupid cheating newbie. Hell, and if you're depressed that someone has better stuff than you, don't be, because first of all, that person in all likelihood cheated every single one of those. Second, so what if someone has better stuff than you? I'm walking around with my lowly old Crush Bullet+9, and seeing a bunch of people with their Spread Needles plus however many numbers can go after it, and it's fine with me as long as I get a few hits in for the exp. Don't be depressed, danger, hundreds of people in your place would have accepted the cheater's stuff, it shows that you're an honorable person that you didn't.

  3. #3


    I'm thinking she was more upset at the state of the PSO World than her decision or lack of rare items.

    Dupers/Cheaters have destroyed the PSO Economy by doing this crap, and it depresses some people to see this. I just pity those who never got to experience the joy of earning what they have. It's a shame.


  4. #4


    I dont think cheating online is cool, but I dont believe they have ruined the pso economy. Trading is considered cheating by some of you. I have started a new char but before I erased my old char i gave all my good items to my buddy so he could hand them back to me. I dont see anything wrong with that. The game is no doubt very fun but after leveling up but after playing throught it twice who wants to go throught all that again. There is no real economy is pso. Meseta is meaningless and easy to come by, trading or dropping your items is also common so I dont understand what the big fuss is. Hell if someone drops an ultra rare items damn right i will take it!

    Duping isnt as bad as you might think anyways! Most of the duped items that i've seen are items that are very easy to obtain so there is no shame in taking one.

    Besides isnt the whole point of the game to destroy Dark Falz and have fun with a full party online? The items (at least in my eyes) play a supporting role in the game. This is only my 2 cents so please dont flame me for it.

  5. #5
    PSU X360 Warrior
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Tucson AZ USA

    Default these cheaters..this is why I only play with friends...we are always on Puck5 or 8..message me if you want to play with us.

  6. #6


    Once you get to level 100 like me, the game is a walk in the park (including Falz). So pretty much the only thing left to do is search for rares or start a new character. I don't know where you hang out but I see TONS of rare duped items. It's so easy to tell if someone has a duped item... Just ask them where they got their Stag Cutlery or Egg Blaster from and 99% of the time it will be "oh, from a friend". Not only would it be like winning the lotto to find a very rare item like that, but TWO of them (so they could give one away)??? Yeah right.

  7. #7
    Veteran Fighter
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    Feb 2001
    Wittle Forces' School


    this is just sick I know how ya feel Danger Gurl. I supose we can only blame Sega really for not making it server side saves, but then we would probably pay per month. But i'd be more than happy to pay to make the game fair and equal to everyone else.

    Oh and myau1 I dont think anyone ever said anything against trading here at these boards, in fact if you noticed there is a section devoted to it. Its the trading of Duped and hacked items that we are against.

    Oh well I still have fun, and even if It wernt an online game too, i'd be playing it anyways. I just wish Sega would have planed for this, and also given the game a differnt Offline mode where you actualy play with 3 other characters controlled by the computer. And giving a real storyline...oh well for now i'm still having fun. I'll continue to play with friends who dont cheat and when one does i'll beat thim upside their head, hehe.

    [b]Ryiko! lv 25 shortie FOnewearl[b]
    [b]GURL POWA!!![b]

  8. #8


    <font face=times new roman color=red>Well, I will admit I have gotten some items from my roommate, but they are not dupes. He is lvl 100, beat the game on vhard and whatnot, so now he takes me around and helps me gain lvls. He takes me onto hard and any items that are there, he lets me take...or ones he has that doesnt use, he gives me. I just wanted to clarify that not all are dupes. I know he's worked hard for his because I've been there most of the time when he's gotten them.<center>

  9. #9
    The most beautiful girl in the Gurhal System
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    I saw a level 999 mag this morning. I heard rumors, I hoped they were false. But I not only saw it, but the person who had it droped it to let me see. By equiping it all my stats where maxed. The person then went on to show me every super rare item that exists in the game then offered to dupe whatever I wanted. She even offered to dupe her mag for me. Every item she had was a copy of a copy of a copy....There is little hope left anymore. After that I just turned her down and left the game. I moped around in the lobby for awhile feeling utterly depresed then signed off.

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