What up peeps, I've been getting a few PMs from people asking when I'm going to put out the video I promised. I made this new thread to keep you all updated and to ask a few more things.
Edit: May 7th Progress posted
First things first, this is the progress so far:
I'm sorry this is taking so long, there is WAY more footage than I planned and I'm not all that good at this. So I'm doing my best to produce some quality here. I'm not sure when this will be completed, I'm hoping for it to be completely cut by Tuesday and maybe I'll have it up this weekend. The sooner, the better of course.
Originally, this was just going to be the simple clips of the stuff but I decided that I want people to be able to share this video with friends who don't play at some point, to try and convince them to join in. There is already plenty of videos of dances and the like, and no offense to any of them ( I mean that, I appreciate that anyone even uploaded anything for this) but it's hard to share that with someone who isn't familiar with PS or it's community. So hopefully this will be something we can all look back on fondly, or I guess be horrified at how silly we can be. The video is MUCH longer than planned, but it shouldn't go over 15-20 minutes as it stands.
I'm gonna put all the names I can in the credits. Leave your in-game name(s) and your PSOW handle and a short message if you feel like it. Really short guys, please.
I'm open to including screenshots in the credits, link them here and I'll be sure to add it to the vid.
If you have questions, ask away!
If you know for certain that you were in the vids or had a clip you think should make it, post in this thread please. I partied mostly on Fresh and Einhartic, I usually warned people. I apologize if for some reason you aren't included in the final video, I think this part of the post is more directed to those who came to the club for the big photoshoot, you should remember who you are.
Yes, I will be putting in your shout-outs. There was some nastygrams floating around in there, some symbol chat that shouldn't be shared with anyone (although I did laugh pretty hard) and some comments that weren't super friendly but I don't think anyone's feelings are gonna be hurt if cut those out.
I've picked some music already for it, which was pretty difficult since everyone's taste varies so much. The safe bet is to put just PS related music, but I don't think it's going to work as well for this type of vid, who knows though.
No, I'm not putting SkRaLLeXX Doorstep music. There won't be any rock, or insufferable moe anime music, it'll be something different. You'll see. If for some reason you think a song should be on there that won't get taken down on Youtube, feel free to share it here.
Once again, thank you for everyone who came out and allowed me to creep long enough to record cool stuff. I absolutely love this community and am looking forward to good times in the future.
I will try to update this thread and respond to posts accordingly, I'm doing my best here guys.
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