I just want to start by saying I have nothing against the Japanese, with that said, on with the topic...
I was playing online Saturday night, running around the ruins in a game another ID had made for me. I ran into a door which required 2 peeps to open so I wrote a friend and he was going to join in and help me out. Before he could get in, 3 japs come in and hit the button that was blocking my progress, no big deal, right? I wish that would've been the end of it, but everything that happened until they left was sooo fubar and completely BS!!! So, we go into the next room and as 2 of the Japs start looting everything in the room (both boxes and creature drops) the third starts beating the snot out of me!! No, it didn't hurt or kill me, but every single time I tried to go anywhere, he'd smack me down again and again and again!!! He was using a Pallasch and his name was DEATH...Anyway, once the room is clear they move on, and by now I humbly follow behind. The next room, I'm not on the floor near as often, still didn't get crap, and that's when I noticed the damage that they were doing as they proceeded to wipe the room clean... Every hit any of them made hit for OVER 8500+ that's when I get irrate cause death is back on me beating me down some more while his 'buds' loot all the goods!! I'm pretty hot by now and would've left but I was set on finding a particular item, so I stuck around for the punishment. Anyway, I break away from DEATH and start to get ahead of them (thinking i might kill something, grab some loot while they're behind me) when from all the way across the room, SMACK!...DEATH has done it again, and proceeds to do so until the room is clear...This went on the whole time all the while they were talking to themselves....After a whole level of the ruins they finally quit (I hope their DCs crashed!) and the chaos subsided. Well, I'm done ranting and raving 'bout it now, but I'm curious if anyone else has seen this kind of behavior. They were all Lvl100 and DEATH is a black and red HuCast, so if u see this person it would be best to leave before he beats u down like he did me, lol.
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