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  1. #1
    Banned eXo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Planet Viridia


    Hiya once again everyone I was just wondering if anyone knew, rather or not it is fair to compare the drop rate,of Pinkal getting the 1975 Agito from "PAL RAPPY" to Purplenum trying to get the PSYCHO WAND from "MIL LILY" ?

    I was just wondering so that I know what my chances really are *LOL*

  2. #2


    The odds are arguably the same. I estimate they both have a 10% chance of being dropped. So I'd go after the more useful one, which imo would be the Psycho Wand. Keep in mind that with basic runs (non TP trick) it's easier to find Pal Rappies if you're just running through Fake in Yellow, and using the TP trick it's easier to find Mil Lilies in Waterfall Tears. At any rate, pick your poison and don't expect to find either of them quickly.

  3. #3
    Banned eXo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Planet Viridia


    So are you saying that it is easier to find MIl LIllies in waterfall of tears instead of the addicting food quest?

  4. #4
    A Force To Be Reckoned With
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    MI, USA


    yes it is easier to find in waterfalls of tears as i believe you can get a room with 9 in it

    this is the link scroll down to the waterfall of tears section

  5. #5
    Ever-Changing Gemini
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Portland, Oregon, USA


    Nine lilies in a room or 8 rappies in a room. It really is a nasty choice. BTW, with a Delsaber Shield (if you aren't playing a Force, anyway) and four Resist / Devils on, you can max out your Dark resistance. (My Viridia guy needs to hunt God / Powers offa them Mils.)

    *sniff* I want a Psycho Wand... Poor widdle Griff has to get to woik.

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