I've been neglecting the single player (broadband can do this to ya) so I was playing on Hard online and I still think it's tough. I got to L40 and decided to try my luck at V.Hard.

Sheesh! V.hard freakin V.hurts! My strategy of "hide near the door and snipe from a distance" turned into mush when I noticed the monsters are on rocket skates. I kinda held my own for the sake of not embarrassing myself in front of higher level players and even saved 'em a few times (the drive-by revive rocks even the v.hard enemies. PH34R!). I dunno if I will continue with v.hard for now, but I will say I've never had so many SPECIAL WEAPONS in my life. Freakin Varistas and Visks coming out my ears. I need a portable tekker or something.

-SSZ, loveable L41 RAmar