Version 1.8 (June 26, 2021):
- Added support for Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. You can choose which game to translate from the "Options" window.
- Added support for the DeepL translation API ( An API key is required to use this service, but a free subscription is available.
Version 1.7 (May 1, 2019):
- Added support for the GROUP chat type. The colour can be customised from the "Options" window.
- Updated Microsoft translation to use version 3 of the Translator Text API.
- Added support for the Microsoft transliteration service.
- Updated the list of known lobby actions to include many of the more recent ones.
Version 1.6 (August 6, 2016):
- Added an option for which transliteration service should be used. The Google (Free) service provides high-quality transliterations but may stop working at any time. The Unidecode service provides low-quality transliterations.
- Added automatic detection and correction of damaged configuration files.
- Added a translation mode option to allow translations of only Japanese messages, or translation of all messages. When set to "Auto Translate Everything", the translation service will automatically detect the source language - this will allow translations from other languages, such as French, Russian and Spanish, into English. Alternatively, this can be used to translate English (and other languages) into Japanese, for a Japanese user of the tool.
- When the "Language" option is set to "Japanese", the user-translation window will now convert from Japanese into English.
- Updated the list of known lobby actions to include many of the more recent ones.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Version 1.5.2 (January 3, 2016):
- Fixed a bug that meant chat messages stopped being displayed when a message with no content was handled (messages filtered by chat channel, or containing only a lobby action that gets removed).
Version 1.5.1 (January 2, 2016):
- Fixed a bug that meant transliteration was being performed by Unidecode, when using the Google (Free) service. Unidecode should now only be used when using the Google (API Credentials) and Microsoft (API Credentials) services.
Version 1.5 (January 2, 2016):
- Rectified an issue with failing translations.
- Added support for the official Microsoft and Google translation APIs, both of which require credentials to use. If you don't wish to use the official APIs, you can continue to use the old free service, by selecting Google (Free) in the Options window. Please be aware that the free service may stop working at any time.
- When using the official Microsoft and Google translation services, transliteration will be performed by the Unidecode library, which unfortunately provides less accurate transliterations than those from the Google (Free) service. Neither Microsoft nor Google provide transliteration services through their official translation APIs.
Version 1.4 (October 12, 2015):
- Rectified an issue with failing translations.
- Improved the translation options by allowing customisation of how player names and chat messages are displayed, through the use of macros.
- Added hotkeys to scroll the chat log up or down by one page. They can be set up at the bottom of the "General" tab in the "Options" window.
- Added options to filter which chat channels are displayed.
- Added an option to hide unrecognised and invalid chat commands.
- Updated the list of known lobby actions to include many of the more recent ones.
Version 1.3.1 (April 9, 2015):
- Hotfix to rectify an issue with failing translations, caused by Google Translate requiring a CAPTCHA.
Version 1.3 (August 9, 2013):
- Colour chat macros such as {red} are now hidden from the chat window.
- Improved the ability to remove the letter 'w' from Japanese messages before translating - it will now remove the uppercase letter W, as well as the full-width characters 'w' and 'W'.
- The overlay chat border's opacity can now be changed separately to that of the chat background, using a slider. To disable the border in overlay mode, simply drag the slider to the far left (transparent) side.
- It’s now possible to keep Japanese chat messages in Japanese. This may be of use to people who wish to use more advanced translation programs, but find they are unable to use their translation program with PSO2/GameGuard.
- Added a new textbox to the user-translation window, showing the transliteration (romaji) of the Japanese translation.
- Updated the list of known lobby actions to include many of the more recent ones.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Version 1.2 (May 3, 2013):
- URLs in chat are now converted into clickable hyperlinks.
- Added ability to change the translation language to something other than English.
- Added a user-translation window to let the user translate a message from their own language, into Japanese, and then see a translation of the Japanese back into their own language to verify it.
- Added an option to show/hide chat commands, such as “/la dance5”.
- Added an option to remove the letter “w” from Japanese messages, prior to translation. This can improve the accuracy of the translation.
- Added an option to put chat messages on the next line, beneath the name.
- It’s now possible to show chat messages as both the translation and the transliteration (romaji/romanisation).
- Changed the overlay chat border to a more PSO2-like version, created by Gama at Thanks!
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Version 1.1 (March 5, 2013):
- Added overlay mode with transparency support.
- Added support for message transliteration (romanisation/romaji).
- Added always-on-top option.
- Added font family, size and style options.
- Added update checker.
- Public chat colour is now used for all chat channels when “Display messages in colour” is unchecked.
Version 1.0 (February 25, 2013):
- First release of the program.
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