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Might be a silly question, but is there any leniency with the requirements in the OP, or should I just wait to apply until I meet all them?
My main is a 75/51 Fo/Te (so a little short on the subclass levels). I do have fomelgion unlocked
I meet the weapon requirements (+40 Bert Rodan, +40 Koushousen, +20 Divine Ameratsu, +20 Sperois all with 50 of appropriate element) and am currently debating spending some money on A +40 Stark Katze now that I know it can have a wind element potential. All of them have at least +60 Tatk except I think the Ameratsu, but it has ultimate buster and I am planning on upgrading it to either an evil or Caduceus soon anyway
The one where I am most behind is my units (just a +10 hiei set with matter board affixs). I am hoping to upgrade to an saiki set or something soon and just didn't want to spend the money on affix fodder for a set I don't plan on using much longer.
I play pretty much every night and have run/know all the big EQs. My main goal atm is to find some people to run Extreme or Ultimate with as I have ~3.5 weeks of premium left and want to get some 11* units to turn into exchange passes before it runs out (hopefully 3 sets so I can make one for each Attack type).
I have a 4X/2X Ranger/braver as well and will be starting a braver/fighter/hunter of some kind soon, but that is probably all irrelevant.
Long story short, is it worth me filling out the formal recruitment stuff now, or should I just hold off until I meet the last couple requirements? Depending on how things shake out it might be a while before I finish leveling my sub since I want to push for the unit passes before my premium expires and I am grinding the XH limited pretty hard as well...
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