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  1. #1


    i have a star amplifier,at an i do with it???

  2. #2
    Kitten induced fun spasm
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    somewhere doing a kwaaazy dance


    It makes a Twinkle Star if you combine it with a Wand.

  3. #3

  4. #4


    i wanted that weapon so bad,cuas eit matches my fonewearl perfectly!but i thoguht i couldnt get it cuase i was oran,ooooh yea! how do i comnbine them?

  5. #5
    Mercenary for Hire dj_dan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Vancouver BC Canada


    On 2003-04-04 11:17, LollipopLolita wrote:
    If you click on this link, it will tell you!

    The PSOw guides are very useful.

  6. #6


    it says

    Twinkle Star Wand Seris Star Amplifier

    Wand level 100

    does that mean i need to be level 100 to use it :'(

  7. #7


    Forces only with at least 670 MST.
    Wand +15 + LV100.
    Staff +15 + LV110
    Baton +10 + LV120.
    Scepter +10 + LV130.

    Like it says in the guide, you need to be a force with 670 MST, and if you use a wand, you need it to be grinded to 15 and be a level 100 force...

    Quite simple...

  8. #8


    thanks...thas what i was thinkin,but i hoped it wasnt right or

    13 levels to go


    26 rounds of ult forest,here i come!

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