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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Close the Bull Shxt thread.

    Rants has died, and any kind of meaningful discussion has gone out the window. X did something bad, Y feels sorry, but also had a bad day, while Z had someone die. But it's okay, Y still feels sorry.

    I'm more saddened by the lack of relevant rants here, and the lack of focused discussion. I've seen plenty of things in the Bull Shxt thread that could have easily been great discussions, but the thread has turned into the twitter/facebook/tumblr status bs. There's no dead horses around here, just the flies talking about poop now. (TERRIBLE ANALOGIES AHOY)

    I want real topics in their own threads. I've seen nothing worth arguing on this subforum, and anything that does get here is usually locked. That might even be a problem, is that no one really has a relevant place to vent anymore, as anything said in the bull shxt thread just kinda falls on mostly deaf ears. I'd really like to see some fire here again, as long as we can refrain from the flaming. (yeahoknitrolol)

  2. #2


    This should be in the Bull Shxt thread.

  3. #3


    I don't have a problem with the Bull Shxt thread, it's a great idea and gives people a place to throw out some random anger without having to make a bunch of topics for minor issues. I think what you're upset at is the fact that it's so popular that many do not bother separating "significant rant" from "minor rant". Not the fault of the thread, it's just become something we're all used to, and I'm just as guilty as anyone for doing the same thing. I agree that there's been several posts in that thread that would have made great stand-alone topics, but all you can do is to remind people of the real purpose of that thread. No need to banish it.

    Considering threads in this forum seem to have about a 50% FKL rate, I think it's also on the users of this forum for the inability to carry on a good discussion.

  4. #4


    If you think a post should be a topic instead of a single post in Bull Shxt, feel free to report it (mention why you think so), or PM me directly (potentially slower, but I will read my PMs everyday if I see new ones).

    I know in the past I have split some posts out if they had gathered several replies.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006


    I don't really want to report it, since it doesn't really feel like something reporting.

    And yet, here I am making a thread about it. I just miss seeing people have real discussions (aka flame threads) and it's something that needs to happen more. It would explain a lot of pent up anger people might have.

  6. #6
    PSO-W leаder AND оwner Sp-24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro Vordex View Post
    I don't really want to report it, since it doesn't really feel like something reporting.

    And yet, here I am making a thread about it. I just miss seeing people have real discussions (aka flame threads) and it's something that needs to happen more. It would explain a lot of pent up anger people might have.
    Wouldn't it make sense for dumb tumblr crap to go in the "...more like a post" topic? If there's something worth discussing, it better go into a separate thread than derail another one, even if nothing else is going on there at the moment.

    I think of the sticky as of a containment topic of sorts.

  7. #7


    The thing that I really appreciate about the Bull Shxt thread, both as a forum member and as a mod, is that it can help people vent on something that's bothering them while at the same time keeping what is sometimes a relatively minor rant from exploding into a massive overreaction.

    We've all seen other users (and probably done this ourselves) who have posted something on the forums only to have it grow into a much bigger deal than it should be. The Bull Shxt thread helps mitigate that somewhat.

    At the same time, I do think it's important for people to keep having active discussions and making sure conversations are branched out as necessary.

    I'm with Ketchup on this: let us know if something should be broken out. The report button doesn't just have to be about notifying us of a rules violation; it can also be used to draw our attention when something needs to be fixed.

  8. #8


    In all honesty, it's just hard to get anyone to keep a line of discussion going about much of anything anymore. Most every forum I go to is the same "I'm gonna post my thing" without actually reading the topic or posts leading up to theirs. Just some kinda weird thing where it seems most would rather be heard than listen or something.

    Cold as winter, guns of summer. Point and watch them run.
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Outrider View Post
    The thing that I really appreciate about the Bull Shxt thread, both as a forum member and as a mod, is that it can help people vent on something that's bothering them while at the same time keeping what is sometimes a relatively minor rant from exploding into a massive overreaction.

    We've all seen other users (and probably done this ourselves) who have posted something on the forums only to have it grow into a much bigger deal than it should be. The Bull Shxt thread helps mitigate that somewhat.

    At the same time, I do think it's important for people to keep having active discussions and making sure conversations are branched out as necessary.

    I'm with Ketchup on this: let us know if something should be broken out. The report button doesn't just have to be about notifying us of a rules violation; it can also be used to draw our attention when something needs to be fixed.
    I agree with this 100%. I think it's important to have a thread where you can just drop a thought you want to vocalize and not have it develop into a thread. Having the thread bury older posts is a nice mechanism to achieve this. If people do wind up wanting to talk about it then splitting it off isn't a bad idea. But, then again, there's been a few brief discussions in the bullshit thread that seemed to fully cover the topic, and then the thread moved on, which is kind of a half and half thing.

  10. #10
    The James Franco of PSO2 NoiseHERO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polly View Post
    In all honesty, it's just hard to get anyone to keep a line of discussion going about much of anything anymore. Most every forum I go to is the same "I'm gonna post my thing" without actually reading the topic or posts leading up to theirs. Just some kinda weird thing where it seems most would rather be heard than listen or something.
    Yup all forums are about fighting for the spotlight, That's why circle jerking was invented to make an artificial spotlight, because only your friends kinda care about what you think, if it's not a chance to make you look stupid or if it's not a subject that falls under everyone's target for nepotism.

    But yeah, I'm thought bullshxt was a thread, like other's said, specifically to vent small annoyed thoughts/things they don't feel like going into detail about for more than a few posts.

    The rest of the rant forum is supposed to be for full on discussions. And like the mods say, and have done before. Discussions that get too big in bullshxt are usually given their own thread.

    Where they then die after 2 pages either way.

    AYY. All you nillas days is numbered.

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