The whole point of a quick questions/quick answers topic though is to inform those that are either new to the game or aren't able to keep up with every single thing about the game. What is common knowledge for experienced players is not so common for those who are more casual or less active.
PSO2 EN (Ship 1): Johana
PSO2 JP (Ship 2): Johana, Ezodagrom, Luppi, Lana, Yukari, Blune, Elysia, Elena
PSU EN/JP: Johana, Blune, Ezodagrom, Luppi/Johana, Lana
I'm transfering my first PSO2 character to a ship where my friend resides.
How long will maintenance be finished this week?
PSN ID: thepeaguy83
Can someone simply explain to me how to log into my PSO2 account? I have both steam and MS versions downloaded but I want to log into my old account..I think it has an old Sega JP ID. I do not have an xbox or steam login...I want to play with my old account.
Install a JPN install of the game either through the official JPN PSO2 site or via the Tweaker set to the Japanese version. Remember, since they are separate servers, you cannot play with people who are running the MS Store or Steam versions if you are playing on a JPN account.
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