I'm playing Fo/Te and give Mag tech weapon, now its lev 52 t/atk and 22 dex, but i'm just wanna my Mag's dex is 30, so what i'm gonna do now ? give it room's good to decrease dex ? please help me (sorry i'm bad english) :P
I'm playing Fo/Te and give Mag tech weapon, now its lev 52 t/atk and 22 dex, but i'm just wanna my Mag's dex is 30, so what i'm gonna do now ? give it room's good to decrease dex ? please help me (sorry i'm bad english) :P
Use Shiftaride and Debanride to lower dex. It will raise T-DEF, but giving it weapons will bring that back down. Just switch between the two and you'll be fine. Just remember that levels are PERMANENT, so make sure to just keep an eye on T-Def and Dex.
Very much helpful, Liked.
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