Just got back off the boat. Ready for some vidya gaems.
huge photo
Me and my best bud.
First time I've ever had short hair.
Preparing for academy.
PSO, PSU, PS:Po, PSZ | PSO2: Jergraw (All classes 90) Lunaeris Demoria (Fo/Te 90) Onlak (Hr 90)
-**Tech crafting max- message me for crafts**-
Forum Rules - Read it!
Here's a modern one! A bit drunk I think, judging by the facial redness, but what the hell. Also pictured: about 10% of gf.
I've been on this forum for years. It's about time I show who I am behind the shitty monitors.
now you see why my characters look like they're 12 or so.
sig by me, PM if you want to request one.
Ship 2/Ship 4:
Sakia HU FI newearl | アモリ RAmarl | Hasumi FO RA caseal | ぴょましFOnewearl | 白井 BR HU Duman | リーヨウ RA GU caseal| Rena SU FI| マテオ HU/NK
Hadn't posted a new pic in almost a year. Hair is a lot longer now.
Signature by Gama
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