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  1. #1

    Default Anga farming countermeasures on the 17th

    The following measures will be implemented on the 17th (next maintenance):

    - The upper limit will be raised on the (hidden) points you get for killing enemies that increase boss drops. (Presumably this means the maximum number of boss drops will increase)

    - Anga's (hidden) point value itself will be lowered.

    So if you ignore the mobs and just kill Anga, you will get less drops than before. If you stay in the map for a long time and kill plenty of mobs you will get more drops than before.

    - The number of mobs that spawn together with Anga will be reduced.

    This is to prevent people from just killing the mobs that spawn with Anga for points.

    - Once you clear the quest, if you enter the campship you will not be able to return to the map again.

    This is to stop people from farming the maximum points and then just waiting in the campship until Anga appears.

    Considering that people already farm up to 100~150 points before killing Anga, these changes don't seem like they'll affect dedicated Anga farming parties much (unless the third measure is so drastic it becomes impossible to farm mobs while Anga is on the map). They are mostly geared towards stopping ship campers.

    Also unrelated to Anga farming:

    Rappy, Umblla and Nyau emergency trials will be removed from Ultimate, so that Ult-specific trials will occur more frequently. More mammoths for everyone!

  2. #2


    I'm trying to farm bayaribbles but anga keeps showing up .-.

  3. #3


    not as bad as i thought it would be

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Aine View Post
    Rappy, Umblla and Nyau emergency trials will be removed from Ultimate, so that Ult-specific trials will occur more frequently. More mammoths for everyone!
    WHY THANK YOU, ESPECIALLY RAPPIES AND GOD DAMMNED UMBLA, I've always hate that abomination.

  5. #5
    Legendary One Poyonche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHNeko View Post
    oh boy cant wait for this class to be op on release and for everyone and their mom to run only this class for a week and failing all the EQs.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Aine View Post
    This is to stop people from farming the maximum points and then just waiting in the campship until Anga appears.
    So the new 'actually running the mpa' meta will be run around killing stuff until ~1900 points, then camp, and periodically drop down to the start point to see if an anga has spawned, and repeat until it has?

  7. #7


    A good idea to get people to complete the quest would have been to spread out the 13 stars across the bosses and give good drops to the enemies too.

    Like every other mode before ultimate.


  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Arkanoid View Post
    give good drops to the enemies too.

    I dont mind this, 'cus i typically dont run for anga and if it means the other bosses drop more loot chances overall, all the better.

    however it'd suck spawning anga right off the bat, i suppose
    Pso2 - Ship2: Proud manager of team Celestial
    Quote Originally Posted by Azure Falcon View Post
    Loading tunnels have gone from 10-15 seconds down to 2-3 seconds and the normal lobby stuttering mess is buttery smooth currently.
    This must be some kind of glitch, I refuse to believe Sega have finally fixed this game's horrible performance problems.

  9. #9
    Keeper of Precepts Hrith's Avatar
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    Jan 2003


    I think this looks good, if the points required is done well.

    I'm only after Bearibbles in this as well =/

  10. #10


    i like this change.
    ID: joshirosama

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